Sarah A. and Jillyn K. went around and took pictures of random people's shoes. You guys need to figure out whose shoes they are and write it down and put in the newspaper locker. Be sure to put your name on it so we know who all got it. If you get it it right then you get a Spirit point and a goody coupon for each one you get right. Please put the number of the shoe or jacket (#1, 2, 3, etc) and the persons name you think it is.
Shoe #1. Whose shoe??
Shoe #2.

Shoe #3.
Shoe #1. Whose shoe??
Shoe #3.
Whose jackets are these?
Jacket #1.
Jacket #1.
Jacket #2.
Jacket #2
ReplyDeleteKailtlin Cheeney's
This answer was from Jesse McLean
#2 is chris florences jaket.jacob