Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The 3rd quarter pride trip! :)
The 3rd quarter pride trip will be in Ceder City, Utah we will be seeing the movie "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" on Friday, Arpil 9th for the students that have earned the right to go. This is the time to have fun and wacth a movie that you maybe have not see before. But you got to make sure that you guys behave and do what you need to do. If you guys dont behave then we wont do this agian. I hope that you guys like this movie that the students have chosen. Hopefully this is a really good movie.
Spring Break!:)
Spring breack begins on Monday 29th and gose through April 2nd. School will resume on Monday, April 5th. I hope that all of you guys can have fun and stay out of trouble and be safe. This is the time do have fun because for one we dont have school for a week and that fun is just fn okay. I mean go out dont say inside have fun play baseball, football, and basketball haha stay shape for this Summer to come along its coming fast watch out!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Song Dedications!!
To: Kandace O.
From: Jill k.
Song: 1980
Artist: Rehab
To: Charlie s
From: unknown
Song: you belong with me
Artist: taylor swift.
To: Kaitlin c
From: Madi w
Song:white lier
Artist: Miranda Lambert
To: The school
From: Unknown
Song: Party in the U.S.A
Artist: Miley Cyrus
To: Kianna J.
From: Unkown
Song: Imma Star
Artist: Jerimiah
From: Jill k.
Song: 1980
Artist: Rehab
To: Charlie s
From: unknown
Song: you belong with me
Artist: taylor swift.
To: Kaitlin c
From: Madi w
Song:white lier
Artist: Miranda Lambert
To: The school
From: Unknown
Song: Party in the U.S.A
Artist: Miley Cyrus
To: Kianna J.
From: Unkown
Song: Imma Star
Artist: Jerimiah
Another March holiday!! :)
Today is National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day. This day is celebrated to enjoy the delicious combination of chocolate and fruit. Apparently chocolate lovers who like raisins find this delicious snack irresistable!! Kids have been known to drive their parents absolutley insane just to get these! Chocolate is made from cocoa beans (which people consider a vegetable) and raisins are just dried fruit and we all know that vegetables and fruits are good for you....Therefore, this is a healthy snack, isn't it?? :)
Whose Shoes?
Sarah A. and Jillyn K. went around and took pictures of random people's shoes. You guys need to figure out whose shoes they are and write it down and put in the newspaper locker. Be sure to put your name on it so we know who all got it. If you get it it right then you get a Spirit point and a goody coupon for each one you get right. Please put the number of the shoe or jacket (#1, 2, 3, etc) and the persons name you think it is.
Shoe #1. Whose shoe??
Shoe #2.

Shoe #3.
Shoe #1. Whose shoe??
Shoe #3.
Whose jackets are these?
Jacket #1.
Jacket #1.
Jacket #2.
April Fools Day
On April 1, 2010 is April Fools Day. Be thinking of fun jokes to play on your friends, family, and more! There are alot of fun pranks that you can play on one can go onto a website that has lots of good ideas.
Spring Break!!! [:
This weekend is the start of spring break. Thursday is the day the get out of school and it goes for one whole week. But the official day it starts is this up coming Monday. We go for 1 week and come back the next Monday morning, the 4th of April or something. Everyone have a great time on the break!!!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
High School Musical Play[:
The high school students are doing a play called high school musical. They are perform Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday . I went on Friday and Saturday. Our highschoolers are very talented. They did a great job so far[: The new auditorium is a really cool place[: Its HUGE! The stage is really cool and AMAZING[: So make sure that you go to the play at least one night and watch it. Its pretty cool.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Thursday we had intermurals. We played sissy ball, freeze tag, softball and i think thats it. During the intermurals we also had a game room in Mr. Sidfords room. There was also some kids in there doing make up work. Then we had the kids that were failing grades in Mrs. Wertz room and Mrs. Osborn's room. Those kids were working pretty hard. Then we went to lunch at 12:15 i think. Then after lunch we watched movies. We had Friday Night Lights, Night at the Museum, and Shrek. Then during those movies we had kids in Mrs. Wertz room that were failing grades. It was a pretty fun day Thursday.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
EnD Of ThE QuArTeR
Today is the end of the quarter and you need to have everything in if you want to go to high school. Today there will intermarries and intervention then you will have the time to catch up. After lunch we will watch movies and intervention will be held in the reading room.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
People that have been texting during school have gotten there phones taken away so you guys out there that have phones need to not be texting in school hours. These phone that have been taken away need to be pick up by one of your parnents. You guys need to stop texting its not a very good idea to be texting in school not a good idea. So stop man people are getting there phones tacken away a lot
sOnG dEdIcAtIoN's!!!
To: Sarah A.
From: Kourtney J.
Song: Smile by Uncle Kracker
To: Sarah A.
From: Brandon C.
Song: Shoes by Kelly Liam Sullivan
To: Rylie O.
From: Aspen and Alexis
Song: How Low by Ludacris
To: Stefan H.
From: Unknown
Song: The Bad Touch by Bloodhound Gang
To: Aspen W.
From: Alexs H.
Song: Knockout by Lil Wayne
To: Sydney A.
From: Kayla M.
Song: Thug Story by Taylor Swift
To: Kourtney J.
From: Sarah A.
Song: Yo by Chris Brown
To: Alexa R.
From: Unknown
Song: TiK ToK by Ke$ha
To: Stefan H.
From: Derek S.
Song: Smile by Uncle Kracker
To: McKenzie M.
From: Amanda J.
Song: Best Friends by James Peter
To: Derek S.
From: Unknown
Song: Life After You by Daughtry
To: Derek S.
From: Unknown
Song: Maple Tree by Angel Taylor
From: Kourtney J.
Song: Smile by Uncle Kracker
To: Sarah A.
From: Brandon C.
Song: Shoes by Kelly Liam Sullivan
To: Rylie O.
From: Aspen and Alexis
Song: How Low by Ludacris
To: Stefan H.
From: Unknown
Song: The Bad Touch by Bloodhound Gang
To: Aspen W.
From: Alexs H.
Song: Knockout by Lil Wayne
To: Sydney A.
From: Kayla M.
Song: Thug Story by Taylor Swift
To: Kourtney J.
From: Sarah A.
Song: Yo by Chris Brown
To: Alexa R.
From: Unknown
Song: TiK ToK by Ke$ha
To: Stefan H.
From: Derek S.
Song: Smile by Uncle Kracker
To: McKenzie M.
From: Amanda J.
Song: Best Friends by James Peter
To: Derek S.
From: Unknown
Song: Life After You by Daughtry
To: Derek S.
From: Unknown
Song: Maple Tree by Angel Taylor
why is March called March?
The names of March comes from ancient Rome, when March was the first month of the year and named Marius after Mas, the Roman god of war. In Rome, where the climate is Mediterranean, March is the first month of speing, a logical point for the beginning of the year as well as the start of the military campaign season. January became the first month of the calendar year either under King Numa Pompilius or under the Decemvirs about 450 BCE (Roman writers differ). The numbered year began on March 1 in Russia untill the end of the fifteenth century. Great Britain and her colonies contiued to use March 25 untill 1752, which was when they ultimately adopted the Gregorian calendar. Many other cultured and religions still celebrate the beginning of the New Year in March.
Leukemia Fundraiser
We are doing a Leukemia fundraiser. What you do is your bring money and you go to Ms. Osborn and tell her which teacher you want to put your money in for and which ever teacher wins, whoever puts money in gets to throw one sponge for each dollar you donate. If the teacher that you put money in for doesn't win, you don't get to throw any sponges but the money still goes to the Leukemia fundraiser. The teachers participating are Mr. Lester, Ms. Osborn, Mr. Sidford, Mr. Thornock, and Mrs. Wertz. Here are the order so far:
Ms. Osborn: $5.00
Mr. Lester: $3.00
Mr. Thornock: $3.00
Mr. Sidford: $0
Mrs. Wertz: $0
If you want a certain teacher to win, bring money! The last day to put money in for the fundraiser is next Thursday, March 27th, 2010.
Ms. Osborn: $5.00
Mr. Lester: $3.00
Mr. Thornock: $3.00
Mr. Sidford: $0
Mrs. Wertz: $0
If you want a certain teacher to win, bring money! The last day to put money in for the fundraiser is next Thursday, March 27th, 2010.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
BIrThDaYs :]
March 2010 birthdays :]
March 2: Amanda T. 7 1997 13
March 5: Destiny M. 7 1997 13
March 7 : Cody K. 8 1996 14
March 10: Charlie S. 7 1997 13
March 17 : Chelsea L. 8 1996 13
March 19: Aspen W. 7 1997 13
March 23: Frank B. 7 1997 13
March 2: Amanda T. 7 1997 13
March 5: Destiny M. 7 1997 13
March 7 : Cody K. 8 1996 14
March 10: Charlie S. 7 1997 13
March 17 : Chelsea L. 8 1996 13
March 19: Aspen W. 7 1997 13
March 23: Frank B. 7 1997 13
Monday, March 15, 2010
St. Patrick history
A lot of people think that St. Patricks Day is all about Leprachauns, Green, and 4-leaf clovers. How did that all start? St. Patrick was a patron of Ireland (which means he was the one who supported Ireland during his life and poeple looked up to him.) He was commonly known to many Christians. We celebrate St. Patrick's Day on March 17. That was his feast day and his death. This holiday has been celebrated for thousands of years. In Ireland usually Catholic families traditionally would attend church in the morning and celebrate in the afternoon. People usually would dance, drink and feast on the traditional Irish bacon and cabbage. They added the four-leaf clovers because it symbolizes good luck by the Irish and they wear them on St. Patrick's Day.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Why did the Irish believe in leprechauns?
The myth probably goes back to the story of where there is a pot of gold under the rainbow, and that would be where you'd see a leprechaun. And it might symbolize inherent positivity, despite the natural shortness of some humans' body's and red hair; and and those of us who are from that country that has a fiddle-dee-dee accent, whereas the majority of Dubliners have a Colin Farrellesque accent.
Whats happens in March?
On this day in 1933, eight days after his inaugurations, President Franklin D. Roosevelt gives his frist national radio address or "fireside chat," broadcast directly form the White House. Roosevelt began that first address simply: "i want to talk for a few minutes with the people of the nited States about banking." He went on to explain his recent decision to close the nation's banks in order to stop a surge in mass withdrawls by panicked investors worried about possible bank failures. The bank would be reopening the next day, Roosevelt said, and he thanked the public for their "fortitude and good temper" during the "banking holiday."
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Middle Name Pride Day
Have a middle name? Thinkk it's great? Then shout it out today! Yes, today is Middle Name Pride Day. This is the day when you think about your middle name, how it makes you unique, and who you were named after. Now, think about who you are today and enjoy your middle name!
*Student Spotlight*
Name: Samantha S.
Date: March 10, 1010
1. Favorite color: Green
2. Favorite drink: Water
3. Favorite candy: Skittles
4. Favorite food: Hot wings
5. Favorite animal: White Tiger
6. Your pets: Isabelle-Great Dane (Dog) Smegal (Cat)
7. Favorite school subject: Art
8. Favorite thing to do: Play Basketball
9. Favorite outdoor activity: Play Volleyball
10. Favorite indoor activity: Play the Wii
11. Favorite sport: Basketball
12. Favorite type of weather: Rainy and sunny days
13. Typical mood: Happy
14. Job (now): Babysitting
15. Favorite place to go: Cedar City
16. Best vacation: Ely
17. Place you want to visit: A beach
18. Crazy thing you want to do: Be rich
19. If you had a million dollars, what would you do: Buy stuff
March Holidays
For the month of March there are some very interesting holidays. Here is the list of them:
1: Peanut Lovers Day 13: Jewel Day 25: Waffle Day
2: Old Stuff Day 14: National Potato Day 26: Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
3: I Want You to be Happy Day 5: Everything You Think is Wrong Day 27: "Joe" Day
4: Holy Experiment Day 6: Freedom of Information Day 28: Stick Day
5: National Salesperson Day 17: Saint Patrick's Day 29: Smoke and Mirrors Day
6: Dentist Day 18: Supreme Sacrifice Day 30: I am in Control Day
7: National Crow Roast of Pork Day 19: Poultry Day 31: Bunsen Burner Day
8: Be Nasty 20: Proposal Day
9: Panic Day 21: Fragrence Day
10: Middle Name Pride Day 22: National Goof Off Day
11: Jonhhy Appleseed Day 23: National Chip and Dip Day
12: Plant a Flower Day 24: National Chocolate Chip Day
1: Peanut Lovers Day 13: Jewel Day 25: Waffle Day
2: Old Stuff Day 14: National Potato Day 26: Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
3: I Want You to be Happy Day 5: Everything You Think is Wrong Day 27: "Joe" Day
4: Holy Experiment Day 6: Freedom of Information Day 28: Stick Day
5: National Salesperson Day 17: Saint Patrick's Day 29: Smoke and Mirrors Day
6: Dentist Day 18: Supreme Sacrifice Day 30: I am in Control Day
7: National Crow Roast of Pork Day 19: Poultry Day 31: Bunsen Burner Day
8: Be Nasty 20: Proposal Day
9: Panic Day 21: Fragrence Day
10: Middle Name Pride Day 22: National Goof Off Day
11: Jonhhy Appleseed Day 23: National Chip and Dip Day
12: Plant a Flower Day 24: National Chocolate Chip Day
[:!*student spolight*!:]
favvorite color : ORANGE
favorite drink : PEPSI
favorite candy : MENTO'S
favorite food : BURRITTO'S
favorite animal : DOG
your pets : dog's ZEKE AND OSCER
favorite school subject : P.E.
favorite sports : SOFTBALL & VOLLEYBALL
place you want to go : SCOTTLAND
favvorite color : ORANGE
favorite drink : PEPSI
favorite candy : MENTO'S
favorite food : BURRITTO'S
favorite animal : DOG
your pets : dog's ZEKE AND OSCER
favorite school subject : P.E.
favorite sports : SOFTBALL & VOLLEYBALL
place you want to go : SCOTTLAND
Monday, March 8, 2010
Laughlin concert
Danny played snare, timpony, and the bongos. He thinks he did good. The people that played with him was Adam, Tyler, Jess, Sami, Amber, Isaac, and Emily. Adam played the timpony, snare, and timbala. He thinks that he did fairly good. He thinks he could have done better. the people he played with was Danny, Tyler, Jess, Sami, Amber, Isaac, and Emily. They did really good. Good job guys.
On Satuday, the band and Choir children went to the Laughlin for a consert. And here we are interviewing a girl named Kelsie and she was there to sing the the Lincoln Countney for the choir students. They sang the song afternoon on the hill, after the rain, Exultate justi in domino. The score that they got excellent plus. She says that they did ok and that she liked it. she was not nerves because she was to tried.
She also played in the band she insterment that she had played in the band was the clarient. She also did a piano solo the song that she played was the opening themes of piano concerto number 2. She said that it was pretty cool and that she would like to go back.
She also played in the band she insterment that she had played in the band was the clarient. She also did a piano solo the song that she played was the opening themes of piano concerto number 2. She said that it was pretty cool and that she would like to go back.
Soloist for Laughlin
On Saturday March 6, 2010 the band and choir students went to Laughlin. I interviewed Caleigh S. about her solo. The song she sang for her solo was Let Me In, from the musical Rigaletto. She says that she thinks she did great. She got an excellent which is very good. They only thing that the judge had to say to her was that she moved around too much and that she messed up a little bit on the words but she kept on going. She said that she was very nervous. She had to sing in front of a crowd. She says that she had a fun weekend in Laughlin. She also got to play in the band. She says that she met her conscience in the mall. Way to go Caleigh and the rest of the band and choir students you did great!!
Taylors favorite band was none of them we were the best.
Her fav. Song is CLOUDBURST.
She plays a trumpet
she was nervous
Her perspective on this is “I wish we would have gotten better than an excellent. We aren't even close to the level we were last year.”
Last year they were superior. This year they were excellent.
Taylors favorite band was none of them we were the best.
Her fav. Song is CLOUDBURST.
She plays a trumpet
she was nervous
Her perspective on this is “I wish we would have gotten better than an excellent. We aren't even close to the level we were last year.”
Last year they were superior. This year they were excellent.
Southern Nevada Indoor Percussion Association
Danny and Adam says that there was lots of people there. There was 15 drumlines with about 15 people in each drumline. Adam's favorite band that played was Vegas Vanguard. Danny's favorite band was Vanguard also. They think that they did very good. Danny had to go get their award and he thought it was scary cause there was tons of people. Middle school percusion ansomble got first place in the Jr. division. They also got a 44 which is good considering it was there first show and other people got 20's at there first show. They beat several high schools. The competition they went to on friday night was almost completly high school drumlines.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The kids are leaving to laughlin on saturday at 3:15 in the morning. Stefan says that he thinks he will do good. 2nd trumpets are gonna do well at laughlin becasue they have been practicing alot. Christian thinks he is the best. They are going to go to the mall while they are there. They are going to eat at the mall also. They said that there is a party at preston's house friday night for only the band students. Ms. Osborn said that they have really good groups. She thinks that they will do well. She also says that she is nervous. They will have fun! GOOD LUCK BAND STUDENTS! HAVE FUN!:]
Monday, March 1, 2010
Associated Press Writer
SANTIAGO, Chile — A massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake struck Chile early Saturday, collapsing buildings, killing at least 16 people and downing phone lines. President Michele Bachelet declared a "state of catastrophe" in central Chile and said the death toll was rising.
Tsunami warnings were issued over a wide area, including South America, Hawaii, Australia and New Zealand, Japan, the Philippines, Russia and many Pacific islands.
"We have had a huge earthquake, with some aftershocks," Bachelet said, appealing from an emergency response center for Chileans to remain calm. "Despite this, the system is functioning. People should remain calm. We're doing everything we can with all the forces we have. Any information we will share immediately."
Bachelet said early reports were that 16 people had been killed, and "without a doubt, with an earthquake of this magnitude, there will be more deaths."
In the 2 1/2 hours following the 90-second quake, the U.S. Geological Survey reported 11 aftershocks, of which five measured 6.0 or above.
She urged people to avoid traveling in the dark, since traffic lights are down, to avoid causing more fatalities.
The quake hit 200 miles (325 kilometers) southwest of the capital, Santiago, at a depth of 22 miles (35 kilometers) at 3:34 a.m. (0634 GMT; 1:34 a.m. EST), the U.S. Geological Survey reported.
The epicenter was just 70 miles (115 kilometers) from Concepcion, Chile's second-largest city, where more than 200,000 people live along the Bio Bio river, and 60 miles from the ski town of Chillan, a gateway to Andean ski resorts that was destroyed in a 1939 earthquake.
Associated Press Writer
SANTIAGO, Chile — A massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake struck Chile early Saturday, collapsing buildings, killing at least 16 people and downing phone lines. President Michele Bachelet declared a "state of catastrophe" in central Chile and said the death toll was rising.
Tsunami warnings were issued over a wide area, including South America, Hawaii, Australia and New Zealand, Japan, the Philippines, Russia and many Pacific islands.
"We have had a huge earthquake, with some aftershocks," Bachelet said, appealing from an emergency response center for Chileans to remain calm. "Despite this, the system is functioning. People should remain calm. We're doing everything we can with all the forces we have. Any information we will share immediately."
Bachelet said early reports were that 16 people had been killed, and "without a doubt, with an earthquake of this magnitude, there will be more deaths."
In the 2 1/2 hours following the 90-second quake, the U.S. Geological Survey reported 11 aftershocks, of which five measured 6.0 or above.
She urged people to avoid traveling in the dark, since traffic lights are down, to avoid causing more fatalities.
The quake hit 200 miles (325 kilometers) southwest of the capital, Santiago, at a depth of 22 miles (35 kilometers) at 3:34 a.m. (0634 GMT; 1:34 a.m. EST), the U.S. Geological Survey reported.
The epicenter was just 70 miles (115 kilometers) from Concepcion, Chile's second-largest city, where more than 200,000 people live along the Bio Bio river, and 60 miles from the ski town of Chillan, a gateway to Andean ski resorts that was destroyed in a 1939 earthquake.
pioche weather
The weather station said (quote)
"Today: Sunshine and clouds mixed. High around 45F. Winds light and variable.
Tonight: A few clouds. Low near 30F. Winds light and variable.
Tomorrow: Mainly cloudy. High 49F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph.
Tomorrow night: A mixture of rain and snow showers. Low 32F. Winds at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precip 30%.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy. Highs in the upper 40s and lows in the low 30s.
Thursday: Mix of rain and snow showers. Highs in the upper 30s and lows in the mid 20s.
Friday: Mix of sun and clouds. Highs in the mid 40s and lows in the low 30s.
"Today: Sunshine and clouds mixed. High around 45F. Winds light and variable.
Tonight: A few clouds. Low near 30F. Winds light and variable.
Tomorrow: Mainly cloudy. High 49F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph.
Tomorrow night: A mixture of rain and snow showers. Low 32F. Winds at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precip 30%.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy. Highs in the upper 40s and lows in the low 30s.
Thursday: Mix of rain and snow showers. Highs in the upper 30s and lows in the mid 20s.
Friday: Mix of sun and clouds. Highs in the mid 40s and lows in the low 30s.
CRT testing...
This week we are doing CRT testing. CRT stands for criterion refrenced testing. We will be testing on Monday and Tuesday. On Monday we are going to do math and on Tuesday we will be doing reading. There are two parts to each subject. Each part is one hour long. We will be separated into different class depending on which ones the teachers decide to put us in. No one is excited but it will show our school what kind of excellence we have as a school.
Softball [:
The season for basketball is sadly over for the girls. They were all sad that it didnt last longer. But SOFTBALL season is starting up really soon! Were not sure who the coaches are but a lot of the girls in this school are very pumped and ready! It is going to be a great season. There is a lot of talent in our school and we are proud of the girls who work hard at what they love, and care about the sport. This years softball season is going to be intense and we are going to have a great team because we have a lot of talent coming up from last year and the 7th graders who were on the majors team. It's going to be an awesome season! [:
On Monday the 1st and Tuesday the 2nd we will be doing CRT testing. We will do math the first day and the second day we will be doing Reading. The 8th graders on monday have to do a science test after lunch. Then tuesday we will just do our reading test. Good luck:] Try your hardest. Don't rush yourself:] you have plenty of time.
High School Cheer Competition
On Saturday Febuary 27th The high school cheerleaders went to Reno for State and for cheer competition. The cheerleaders had to compete against 3A cheerleaders, instead of 2A cheerleaders like they usually do. Their performance was great:]Their cheer coach said that she could not pick out one single thing that they did wrong. They were proud of how they did. They have such great talent.Their stunts are amazing, also very dangerous. Sadly, they did not place. These girls have very amazing talent. They would have placed if they didn't have to compete against 3A. They worked so hard this year. Their original cheer coach Heidi moved to vegas. So now their cheer coach is Gretchen. The girls were so happy because Heidi came to their cheer competition. They worked hard and did a great job:] Next year will be better:]
What should they do?
Hey if you guys have any suggestions to have Jacob W., Taylor So., do something crazy let us know.-If we could do something crazy to one of the teachers who would it be and what should we do? Let us know.-Just comment or write in to the newspaper locker if you want your idea to be used. You can just slip the paper into the side of the locker.
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