Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Geography Finals :) By: Caitlyn W.

Yesterday was the Geography Bee Finals! Mr. Sidford was the Judge, and ten lucky stundents were the Finalist.
Your Finalists: Charlie S., Jillyn K., Nickaloas T., Preston R., Kayla M., Daphane M., Caliegh S., Taylor Sody., Kelsie M., and Taylor Schim.
First round, everyone missed there question.
Second round, almost everyone gets it right but Kayla and Daphane.
Third round, everyone is out except for Preston and Taylor Sody.
Championship round for the school. They both are starting clean, with no mistakes on board. First question; They both get theirs wrong. Next question, Preston gets it right but Taylor sadly gets it wrong. Leaving Preston the school champ at geography. Good job Preston!!!!, and good job to all the contestants. :)

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