The oil spill is trying to get a mew fix on it?
the final solution is to cap the wheal off permanently. so it will never be a threat again is to drill a wheal down there under ground after they have got a mile down.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Student Spotlight
Name: Brandon C.
Date: May 20,2010
Favorite color: green
Favorite food:Stake
Favorite drink: Mt. Dew
Favorite candy bar:Snikers
Favorite animal:None
Your pet:Dog
Favorite thing to do:Hunt
Favorite school subject:None
Favorite indoor activity:Basketball
Favorite outdoor activity:Hunt
Favorite sport:Foodball
Favorite type of weather:Sunny
typical mood:Happy
Job (now): work on farm
Job desired as an adult: Underwater welder
Favorite place to go:Disneyland
Best Vacation:D.C.
Place you want to visit:Hawaii
Crazy thing you like to do: Nitro Circus
If you had a million dallors: by a Fansty Factory
Date: May 20,2010
Favorite color: green
Favorite food:Stake
Favorite drink: Mt. Dew
Favorite candy bar:Snikers
Favorite animal:None
Your pet:Dog
Favorite thing to do:Hunt
Favorite school subject:None
Favorite indoor activity:Basketball
Favorite outdoor activity:Hunt
Favorite sport:Foodball
Favorite type of weather:Sunny
typical mood:Happy
Job (now): work on farm
Job desired as an adult: Underwater welder
Favorite place to go:Disneyland
Best Vacation:D.C.
Place you want to visit:Hawaii
Crazy thing you like to do: Nitro Circus
If you had a million dallors: by a Fansty Factory
On Thusday we will be getting out of school...wont we be glad! It will be the best thing ever i hear from most of the students here at Meadow Valley Middle School. This year had gone by so fast. We will miss some of our teachers. Be sure you thank our teachers for this wonderful year that we had. Me, I had a lot of fun being with my friends from the other towns...most of us 7th graders are so happy that we came here so we could be with our friends. I hope that everyone can have a wonderful summer this year because I sure will!!!
Hey MVMS! There is only 4 more days of school left!! This has been a good year and has gone by fast! We will miss all of the 8th graders that will be moving onto high school! We hope you all enjoy your summer and have a great time! Have fun and enjoy it while it lasts! For those of you that don't already gets out on May 27, 2010. - But I'm sure everyone already knows and you are couting down the days until it ends! Well bye and have a great summer!! :)
pride trip
This quarters pride trip is going to be so fun. We are having some water sports and some other kind of sports. So We all need to bring a extra change of cloths. Maybe some shorts and a shirt.
Name: Kandace O.
Date: May 20, 2010
#1. Favorite color: Purple
#2. Favorite food: Haystacks
#3. Favorite drink: Pepsi
#4. Favorite candy bar: Butterfinger
#5. Favorite animal: Dog
#6. Your pets: None
#7. Favorite school subject: Math
#8. Favorite thing to do: Hang out with friends
#9. Favorite outdoor activity: Go 4 - wheeling
#10. Favorite indoor activity: Not sure
#11. Favorite sport: Softball
#12. Favorite type of weather: Sunny
#13. Typical mood: Happy
#14. Job (now): Babysitting
#15. Job desired as an adult: Teacher
#16.Favorite place to go: Friends house
#17. Best vacation: Boston
#18. Place you want to visit: Paris
#19. Crazy thing you like to do: Gymnastics
#20. If you had a million dollars: Go on a shopping spree
Date: May 20, 2010
#1. Favorite color: Purple
#2. Favorite food: Haystacks
#3. Favorite drink: Pepsi
#4. Favorite candy bar: Butterfinger
#5. Favorite animal: Dog
#6. Your pets: None
#7. Favorite school subject: Math
#8. Favorite thing to do: Hang out with friends
#9. Favorite outdoor activity: Go 4 - wheeling
#10. Favorite indoor activity: Not sure
#11. Favorite sport: Softball
#12. Favorite type of weather: Sunny
#13. Typical mood: Happy
#14. Job (now): Babysitting
#15. Job desired as an adult: Teacher
#16.Favorite place to go: Friends house
#17. Best vacation: Boston
#18. Place you want to visit: Paris
#19. Crazy thing you like to do: Gymnastics
#20. If you had a million dollars: Go on a shopping spree
5 days left !!
This year is almost over. We have 5 days left and We need to get our stuff turned in. Ms. Osborn will NOT collect work after Thursday. Mr.Zierow will NOT collect work after Monday. You will need to get Your Literary Elements are due Thursday. If you do not pass Your core classes You may not pass to the next grade.
Pride Trip
It's gonna be funn we will have it sometime next week so make sure that you have all your points! It' s gonna be wayyyyy funn!(: Make sure you comee dudess. It's gonna be crazyy and awesomeee. SO COME TO THE PRIDE TRIP DUDES!
Summer is Coming!
Wow oh wow this year has gone by much to fast! Summer is coming and school getting out! Some of us are going to have an amazing summer and some of us will be bored all summer long with nothing to do! So what I'm asking is that you comment on this post and give or suggest some fun ideas what kids could do over the summer so they are not bored and miserable for three months. We want to everyone have a great summer. PLEASE HELP!!! (: (: (:
Research Project(:
We started this research project for Ms. Osborn's communications class on April 20, 2010. We have been working on it for a while now. This is a pretty big project. Ms. Osborn won't accept any work after todayy. You have your 1st and 2nd outline. You have you rough draft, and your fiinal draft. You have your oral and visual reports. They are all due todayy! So get everything turned in. We also have the 7th grade literary elements packet that is due todayy from Mrs. Wertz class. We also have a test in there. Mr. Sidford had a bulletin board thing that was duee yesterdayy he is having a contest to see which one is the best. School is almost overr!(: FINALLY! This year has gone by so fast. And it's been fun! Have a greattttt summer!(:
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
last days :)
This week and next week is all we have till school is out. :) So We all have to finish our assignment and get our grades up. A lot of student have not yet done there final draft in Mrs.Osborn's class and that is a very big assignment. The Literary Elements are now late. Although quite a lot of us have not done them. So there are some things to do to get Your grades up today.
wHo Is ThIs ???
This is a 7th grade boy.
His eyes and hair are brown.
His favorite color red.
His favorite thing to do is to ride dirt bikes.
His favorite sport is football.
He likes to hunt.
He has 1 brother.
He has 1 pet.
His eyes and hair are brown.
His favorite color red.
His favorite thing to do is to ride dirt bikes.
His favorite sport is football.
He likes to hunt.
He has 1 brother.
He has 1 pet.
WhO iS tHiS??
It is an eighth grade girl.
Her middle name is a seasoning and her last name is a color.
She wears some of the strangest but coolest clothes.
She is very active.
Her mom is the principal of a elem. school in Lincoln County.
She has brown hair and eyes.
Her favorite color is orange.
She has one litte sister.
She loves to hunt and fish during the season.
It is very fun to be around her.
To put in your awnser just comment on this post and you will see the awnser next week!
Her middle name is a seasoning and her last name is a color.
She wears some of the strangest but coolest clothes.
She is very active.
Her mom is the principal of a elem. school in Lincoln County.
She has brown hair and eyes.
Her favorite color is orange.
She has one litte sister.
She loves to hunt and fish during the season.
It is very fun to be around her.
To put in your awnser just comment on this post and you will see the awnser next week!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Netbook check in
For this netbook check in that will happen next week sometime. For the seventh graders will not have to erase anything because the idea is that 7th graders will have the same computer next year. 8th graders won't have to be erasing everything but will be erasing most of the stuff. There will be more once we get more information.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Teacher Spotlight (:
Name: Mrs. Lee
Date: May 13, 2010
Favorite color: pink
Favorite food: ice cream
Favorite drink: water
Favorite candy bar: almond joy
Favorite animal: cat
Favorite subject: reading
Favorite thing to do: read
Favortie outdoor activity: walking, hiking
Favorite indoor activity: reading
Favorite sport: football
Favorite type of weather: rainy
Favorite place to go: camping, anywhere
Your pets: none
Typical mood: friendly, nice
Job (now): secretary
Plans in the future: travel everywhere
Best vacation: foreign exchange trip to Japan
Place you want to visit: Alaska
Crazy thing u like to do: worrie too much
Millions dollars: pay off all my familys bills
Date: May 13, 2010
Favorite color: pink
Favorite food: ice cream
Favorite drink: water
Favorite candy bar: almond joy
Favorite animal: cat
Favorite subject: reading
Favorite thing to do: read
Favortie outdoor activity: walking, hiking
Favorite indoor activity: reading
Favorite sport: football
Favorite type of weather: rainy
Favorite place to go: camping, anywhere
Your pets: none
Typical mood: friendly, nice
Job (now): secretary
Plans in the future: travel everywhere
Best vacation: foreign exchange trip to Japan
Place you want to visit: Alaska
Crazy thing u like to do: worrie too much
Millions dollars: pay off all my familys bills
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Mother's Day
On May 9th it was Mother's Day. They reason they started Mother's Day was because they thought Mother's should be appriciated more than they are. On this day you should help your mom with anything she might need like cooking, cleaning, or anything else in that sort. Without mothers it would be hard to do a lot of things that we do now. You should be thankful for your mom and tell her how much you love her...(:
#1. This person is an eighth grade girl.
#2. She has blonde hair with a little bit of brown in it.
#3. She has brown eyes.
#4. She likes to play basketball.
#5. When she plays basketball she plays point guard or a wing.
#6. Her favorite color is Red.
#7. Her favorite Tv show is One Tree Hill.
#8. She has two brothers and one sister.
#9. Her brother is a very good basketball player.
#10. Her dad helps coach a varsity team.
#11. Her dad is a teacher at the high school.
*If you know who this person is just comment with your name and who you think it is..Next week we will show the answer and if you get it right you will get a goody coupon!*
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Song Dedications :)
To: Alexis H.
From: Carli P.
Song: Hot n Cold
By: Katy Perry
To: Kandace O.
From: Hailee W.
Song: Nothin' On You
By: B.o.B.
To: Jaycee W.
From: Rylie O.
Song: Airplanes
By: B.o.B and Haylel Williams
To: Preston R.
From: Unknown
Song: Bubbly
By: Colbie Calliat
To: Brandon C.
From: Unkown
Song: In My Head
By: Jason Derulo
*There were more song dedicaitons this week than we have had in a long time :) Keep comenting or tell one of the newspaper staff and we will post it next time! Thanks...Also, if you haven't heard these songs you should listen to them...they are pretty good! :)*
From: Carli P.
Song: Hot n Cold
By: Katy Perry
To: Kandace O.
From: Hailee W.
Song: Nothin' On You
By: B.o.B.
To: Jaycee W.
From: Rylie O.
Song: Airplanes
By: B.o.B and Haylel Williams
To: Preston R.
From: Unknown
Song: Bubbly
By: Colbie Calliat
To: Brandon C.
From: Unkown
Song: In My Head
By: Jason Derulo
*There were more song dedicaitons this week than we have had in a long time :) Keep comenting or tell one of the newspaper staff and we will post it next time! Thanks...Also, if you haven't heard these songs you should listen to them...they are pretty good! :)*
:] sTuDeNt SpOtLiGhT [:
Name: Jaycee W.
Date: May 11, 2010
1. Favorite color: Green
2. Favorite animal: Dog
3. Favorite school subject: P.E.
4. Favorite thing to do: Hang out with friends
5. Favorite indoor activity: Basketball
6. Favorite outdoor activity: Softball
7. Favorite sport: Basketball
8. Favorite type of weather: Warm
9. Typical mood: Happy
10. Job (now): Don't have one
11. Job desired as an adult: Not sure
12. Best vacation: San Diego
13. Place you want to go: Hawaii
14. Crazy thing you like to do: Ride 4 - wheelers
15. Favorite food: Olive Garden
16. Favorite drink: Dr. Pepper
17. Favorite candy bar: Twix
18. Your pets: 2 cats
19. If you had a million dollars.... : Go shopping
Date: May 11, 2010
1. Favorite color: Green
2. Favorite animal: Dog
3. Favorite school subject: P.E.
4. Favorite thing to do: Hang out with friends
5. Favorite indoor activity: Basketball
6. Favorite outdoor activity: Softball
7. Favorite sport: Basketball
8. Favorite type of weather: Warm
9. Typical mood: Happy
10. Job (now): Don't have one
11. Job desired as an adult: Not sure
12. Best vacation: San Diego
13. Place you want to go: Hawaii
14. Crazy thing you like to do: Ride 4 - wheelers
15. Favorite food: Olive Garden
16. Favorite drink: Dr. Pepper
17. Favorite candy bar: Twix
18. Your pets: 2 cats
19. If you had a million dollars.... : Go shopping
Today your bookmobile books are duee! Make sure you turn them in!(: Other wise you will have fines you have to payy. And they will not transfer your grades to the highschool for 8th graders until you payy your fines! Make sure you turn your books in and if you don't make sure you payy your fines!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Band SUU Trip (:
Today the band is going to SUU to play at a concert. They will be coming home today after they play in Cedar City. We will write another post later telling about how they did. GOOD LUCK BAND AT SUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6th Grade Orientation
On Wedenesday this week is the 6th grade orientation. Student council has to stay after school for like an hour for a presentation for the 6th graders to show them and tell them about some things about our school and for them next year. But the rest of the school has a half day that day and we get out at 12:40. HAVE A GOOD TIME 6TH GRADERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Middle School Dance!(:
May 11, 2010 is the school dance after school. It's gonna be awesome!(: So make sure you comee. If your homeroom teacher comess you get extra points so make suree that you talk your homeroom teacher into going. This dance will be funn. So make suree you comee.(: Anywayss it's tomorrow after school. If you go to the dance then you can't leave tell it's over.. So make up your mind beforee you walk in. The dance will be held in the lynx lair. (:
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Another May holiday! :)
May 8 is National No Socks Day. This is a day where you can go ahead and let your toes be free and have room to breathe. If you don't wear socks then it can reduce the amount of laundary which is good for the environment not to have washers and dryers going all the time. You should also wash your feet this day so they don't stink! :)
May holiday! :)
May 6 is National No Diet Day. This day was created because people need to appriciate the bodies we have, everyone comes in different shapes and sizes and that's just they way it's supposed to be. This is also a good day to think about changes we all can make and set goals for each of us to accomplish. Have a great day! :)
Summer Birthdays
May 3-Rachel W. July 7- Hannah G.
May 5- Jacob W. July 9- Daphne M.
May 14- Jesse M. July 11-Dennis C.
May 15- Adam R. July 12- Caliegh S.
May 27- Summer N. July 14-Kimberlie B.
May 28-Craig R. July 15- Kenneth D.
June 3- Kelsie M. July 22- Taylor S.
June 6-Brittani T. July 26- Sativa C.
June 9-Christian F. July 31-Jeffrey B.
June 21-Austin H.
June 25-Jens (Nephi) W.
June 27-Danny and Marc O.
July 1- Samantha L.
May 5- Jacob W. July 9- Daphne M.
May 14- Jesse M. July 11-Dennis C.
May 15- Adam R. July 12- Caliegh S.
May 27- Summer N. July 14-Kimberlie B.
May 28-Craig R. July 15- Kenneth D.
June 3- Kelsie M. July 22- Taylor S.
June 6-Brittani T. July 26- Sativa C.
June 9-Christian F. July 31-Jeffrey B.
June 21-Austin H.
June 25-Jens (Nephi) W.
June 27-Danny and Marc O.
July 1- Samantha L.
Band Concert!(:
Last night i went to the band concert they did just great!(: Bverybody was awesome and they sang and played great!(: All the band and choir students thank Mr.Lester for being such a great teacher. The students worked hard to and they made that a fun concert. We have talented studetns in this school!(: GREAT JOB GUYS!(:
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
band concert
Tonight the high school and middle school kids will be preforming. the show choir will not be preforming. And they invite everyone to come and listen to them. it will be held at the LCHS Links layer at 7:00 p.m.
U.S.A. news :)
the oil spill has reached the Louisiana. Mr. Obama had spoken to Louisiana and said " My government will do whatever it takes to clean up the oil spill. He said that the focus was to prevent any further damage to the golf. He will be sure that the BP will pay us back for what we have done and what we will do.
Deal or no Deal?
Today the teachers played Deal of no Deal. As they played they won little prizes. Mr. Cluff won an ice chest and red vine licorice, Mrs. Werts won a lawn chair and a dig thing of cheese puffs, Mr. Sidford won a bag of starbursts and shared them with the whole school.(thank him). Mrs. Osborn wan a cooler and clock, and i cant remember the rest. :)
cinco de mayo
Cinco De Mayo (Spanish for the fifth of May). Is a voluntarily observed holiday that commemorates the Mexican Army's victory over France . The battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862 under the leadership of General Ignacio.
This holiday is like when we gained our Independence from England . but they got there's a different day.
This holiday is like when we gained our Independence from England . but they got there's a different day.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
pioche and panaca sofball
Pioche and Panaca played a great game on Monday. Kitlin pitched for Pioche and Sarah and Brooks piched for Panaca. In the first inning Pioche did not let them score, and then Panaca held them till the last of the second inning. then Pioche had some good hits and got one person home and then whin kaitlin awas up to bat she hit is over the centerfeilds head. she got two runs in. After Panaca got three outs Pioche heald them, and did great in the last inning. the ending score was 10 Pioche 0 Panaca
good game girls:)
good game girls:)
Teacher Appreciation Week
This week is Teacher Appreciaton Week. We are planning on a surprise for the teacher which are being made by the newspaper. You will find out sometime today. Dont forget ot thank all of your teachers for all that they do to make our school run smoothly. THANK YOU TEACHERS!!!!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Music Excellence at MVMS Part 2
The middle school choir also celebrated a great success as they traveled to Anaheim, California, this past weekend. The middle school choir combined with the show choir to perform as a "popular music" group. They performed "Will You Be There", "Tears in Heaven", and "Don't Stop Believing". This group received a silver rating, which means they scored in the top 20 percent for their age group. They also received an outstanding performance award for soloist Dallin P. Middle school choir members that performed were Sydney A., Julie B., Sativa C., Kori L, McKenzie M, and Alexa R.
A middle school student (Caleigh S) joined the high school band to receive a bronze rating, which means that they scored in the top 30 percent for their age group. This group also received an outstanding performance award for the percussion section, which consists of Samantha H, Emily S, and Daniel T.
All these performers were treated to a day in Disneyland after their performances.
Congratulations to all of the students for their excellent performances and don't forget to come out and cheer them this Wednesday, May 5 at 7 p.m. as they perform for the first time in the new auditorium.
A middle school student (Caleigh S) joined the high school band to receive a bronze rating, which means that they scored in the top 30 percent for their age group. This group also received an outstanding performance award for the percussion section, which consists of Samantha H, Emily S, and Daniel T.
All these performers were treated to a day in Disneyland after their performances.
Congratulations to all of the students for their excellent performances and don't forget to come out and cheer them this Wednesday, May 5 at 7 p.m. as they perform for the first time in the new auditorium.
Music Excellence at MVMS Part 1
The musical groups at Meadow Valley Middle School have experienced an exciting time these past few weeks.
Last weekend the middle school drummers went to Las Vegas to compete in the Southern Nevada Indoor Percussion Championships. There they took first place in the Junior division. Middle School performers were Rich A, Tyler G, Isaac M, Adam R, and Jacob W. Performing with them were Amber O of Panaca Elementary School and Emily S from Lincoln County High School.
That same evening several middle schoolers performed with the Pacific Express Parade Corps. This group took first place in the Independent A division. Middle schoolers that performed with this group were Tyler G, Adam R, and Nick T. This group also consists of students from Panaca Elementary School, Caliente Elementary School, and Lincoln County High School.
Congratulations to these excellent performers.
Last weekend the middle school drummers went to Las Vegas to compete in the Southern Nevada Indoor Percussion Championships. There they took first place in the Junior division. Middle School performers were Rich A, Tyler G, Isaac M, Adam R, and Jacob W. Performing with them were Amber O of Panaca Elementary School and Emily S from Lincoln County High School.
That same evening several middle schoolers performed with the Pacific Express Parade Corps. This group took first place in the Independent A division. Middle schoolers that performed with this group were Tyler G, Adam R, and Nick T. This group also consists of students from Panaca Elementary School, Caliente Elementary School, and Lincoln County High School.
Congratulations to these excellent performers.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
We are very thankful that we have this site. This site helps so we don't have to waste paper and ink from the printers. This also lets all the people in the school to be able to look at our work that we do. This is so much better then other ideas that we had. You can put more stuff on here to also when your sick and u miss the newspaper handout all you have to do is go to the site and look whatever up. You can also add stuff everyday to the newspaper, people can also comment on your work. Some of the newspaper stuff take there netbooks home so they just have to get on this site and add a review instead of haveing to do it in class. Who ever made this idea most of the staff is thankful for the not having so much work that they would have to put in this simple newspaper. So nice idea whoever made the idea we really apricate it a lot!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
April holidays! :]
On April 30, 2010 is National Honesty Day! This day is supposed to encourage you to be honest not only on this holiday, but everyday! It's good to be honest all the time because honesty is a great value to have. If you tell the truth all the time then people will believe you when something is happening and you need help or anything. If you lie a lot then when something happens and you need help, people might not believe you and that would not be good! - It's kind of like the boy who cried wolf! A lot of poeple know that story about a boy who lied that there was a wolf and there wasn't and when the wolf really came the boy called for help but no one believed him and the wolf ate all of the sheep. So have a great day and open up and be honest! :)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Student Spotlight!(:
Name: Kaitlin C.
Date: 4/27/2010
Favorite Color:Camoflauge.
Favorite Food: Pizza.
Favorite Drink: Mountain Dew and Dr.Pepper.
Favorite Candy Bar: Snickers.
Favorite Animal: Dog.
Your Pets: A dog.
Favorite School Subject: Lunch.
Favorite Thing To Do: Hang out with friends.
Favorite Outdoor Activity: Going motorcycle riding.
Favorite Indoor Activity: Texting.
Favorite Sport: Hunting.
Favorite Type Of Weather: Sunny.
Typical Mood: Happy ocasionally sad.
Job(now): babysitting.
Job Desired As An Adult: Teacher.
Favorite Place To Go: Panaca.
Best Vacation: Washington D.C.
Place You Want To Visit: Hawaii.
Crazy Thing You Like To Do: Go Coyote Calling.
If You Had A Million Dollars: Buy Guns and motorcycles.
Date: 4/27/2010
Favorite Color:Camoflauge.
Favorite Food: Pizza.
Favorite Drink: Mountain Dew and Dr.Pepper.
Favorite Candy Bar: Snickers.
Favorite Animal: Dog.
Your Pets: A dog.
Favorite School Subject: Lunch.
Favorite Thing To Do: Hang out with friends.
Favorite Outdoor Activity: Going motorcycle riding.
Favorite Indoor Activity: Texting.
Favorite Sport: Hunting.
Favorite Type Of Weather: Sunny.
Typical Mood: Happy ocasionally sad.
Job(now): babysitting.
Job Desired As An Adult: Teacher.
Favorite Place To Go: Panaca.
Best Vacation: Washington D.C.
Place You Want To Visit: Hawaii.
Crazy Thing You Like To Do: Go Coyote Calling.
If You Had A Million Dollars: Buy Guns and motorcycles.
:]!Student Spotlight![:
Name: Taylor S.
Date: April, 27, 2010
1. Favorite color: Red
2. Favorite food: Pasta
3. Favorite drink: Pepsi
4. Favorite candy bar: Snickers
5. Favorite animal: Dog
6. Your pets: Dogs, cats, and chickens
7. Favortie school subject: Not sure
8. Favorite thing to do: Hang out with friends
9. Favorite outdoor activity: Cat and mouse ( a game )
10. Favorite indoor activity: Playing the wii
11. Favorite sport: Not sure
12. Favorite type of weather: Sunny
13. Typical mood: happy
14. Job (now) : Don't have one
15. Job desired as an adult: Not sure
16. Favorite place to go: Lake Powell
17. Best vacation: Washington D.C.
18. Place you want to visit: Germany
19. Crazy thing you want to do: Skydive
20. If you had a million dollars... : Buy a lot of stuff
Date: April, 27, 2010
1. Favorite color: Red
2. Favorite food: Pasta
3. Favorite drink: Pepsi
4. Favorite candy bar: Snickers
5. Favorite animal: Dog
6. Your pets: Dogs, cats, and chickens
7. Favortie school subject: Not sure
8. Favorite thing to do: Hang out with friends
9. Favorite outdoor activity: Cat and mouse ( a game )
10. Favorite indoor activity: Playing the wii
11. Favorite sport: Not sure
12. Favorite type of weather: Sunny
13. Typical mood: happy
14. Job (now) : Don't have one
15. Job desired as an adult: Not sure
16. Favorite place to go: Lake Powell
17. Best vacation: Washington D.C.
18. Place you want to visit: Germany
19. Crazy thing you want to do: Skydive
20. If you had a million dollars... : Buy a lot of stuff
Monday, April 26, 2010
More April Holidays
April 1st. . . One Cent Day
April 2nd . . National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
April 4th . . Tell a Lie Day
April 7th . . No Housework Day
April 10th . . Golfers Day
April 12th . . Look Up At The Sky Day
April 13th. . . Blame Somebody Else Day
April 20th . . Look Alike Day
April 30th . . National Honesty Day
Those are just some of the holidays in April.
April 2nd . . National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
April 4th . . Tell a Lie Day
April 7th . . No Housework Day
April 10th . . Golfers Day
April 12th . . Look Up At The Sky Day
April 13th. . . Blame Somebody Else Day
April 20th . . Look Alike Day
April 30th . . National Honesty Day
Those are just some of the holidays in April.
April Holidays!
Week 1 - Library Week
Week 2 - Read a Road Map Week
Week 3 - Organize Your Files Week
Week 4 - National Karaoke Week
These are the weekly celebrations in April.
Week 2 - Read a Road Map Week
Week 3 - Organize Your Files Week
Week 4 - National Karaoke Week
These are the weekly celebrations in April.
Carry a Poem In Your Pocket Day
This Thursday is carry a poem in your pocket day. Mrs. Wertz has made an assignment that we have to carry a poem in our pocket on Thursday and share it with a couple of people. The 7th graders have to pick a couple literary elements out of it... because that's what we have been working on. You just go on the internet and pick out a poem and stick it in your pocket.. . . and read it to a few people!(:
April Fool's Day!(:
April fool's day is every April on the 1st of April. This is the day where you go around fooling a bunch of people. Like pulling pranks on them. It is tons of fun! This April fool's i got water all over me because of a joke that one of my family members did. Anyways it's lots of fun!
Teachers State Conference
Mrs. Wertz told me that the conference went really well. Mr. Soderborg was at his softball teams game. And he missed his class by 5 minutes. Mr. Soderborg had a huge part in the conference. And he missed his flight and didn't get there until half way through the conference. So Mr. Zierow had to do his part. They said it went really good. They got bags most of them got them with Spiderman. But Mr. Zierow and Mr. Cluff got their bags with Tinkerbell on it. Anways they had fun and it went well.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Baseball seasom is here! yay!! For the boys that love baseball well its here. We have had a cuple of games so far and are boys are doing good for now. Well the boys must love this sport even watching them is fun for some people. Now the boys have stuff to do now that baseball season is here. The girls also have softball. I am sure for the people who love this sport must really love who invented it. Its really fun people say who play this wonderful sport. Were all happy that we have these sport to play.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
April is child Abuse Prevention Month
Everyone can do small things every day that help children to have healthy, safe lives. April is child Ause Prevention Month. The calendar below suggests an activity you can do each day of the month to show a child how much you care. Every activity is not necessarily developmentally approprate for every child.
Saturday 1 Compliment a child's accomplishment.
Sunday 2 Read a book with a child.
Monday 3 Fly a kite together.
Tuesday 4 Involve a child in preparing a special meal.
Wednesday 5 Catch your child doing something good.
Thursday 6 Remind your child that your love is not dependent on schoolwork.
Friday 7 Leave a love note in your child's lunch bag.
Saturday 8 Ask your child's opinion on an issue that affects the family.
Sunday 9 Go to a playground or park together.
Monday 10 Corrdinate a scavenger hunt around your house.
Tuesday 11 Tell a child about something funny that happened to you when you were a child.
Wednesday 12 Take flowers home to your spouse with a note why you valur your marriage.
Thursday 13 Bake and decorate a cake or make cookies together.
Friday 14 Work on an art project together.
Saturday 15 Talk with a child about what to do in an emergency.
Sunday 16 Look for figures in the clounds.
Monday 17 Give a new resposibilty and a new privilege to your child
Tuesday 18 Oractice crossing the street safely.
Wednesday 19 Visit neighbors together, particularly if they have children.
Thursday 20 Donate old clothes, toys, or household items to charity together.
Saturday 1 Compliment a child's accomplishment.
Sunday 2 Read a book with a child.
Monday 3 Fly a kite together.
Tuesday 4 Involve a child in preparing a special meal.
Wednesday 5 Catch your child doing something good.
Thursday 6 Remind your child that your love is not dependent on schoolwork.
Friday 7 Leave a love note in your child's lunch bag.
Saturday 8 Ask your child's opinion on an issue that affects the family.
Sunday 9 Go to a playground or park together.
Monday 10 Corrdinate a scavenger hunt around your house.
Tuesday 11 Tell a child about something funny that happened to you when you were a child.
Wednesday 12 Take flowers home to your spouse with a note why you valur your marriage.
Thursday 13 Bake and decorate a cake or make cookies together.
Friday 14 Work on an art project together.
Saturday 15 Talk with a child about what to do in an emergency.
Sunday 16 Look for figures in the clounds.
Monday 17 Give a new resposibilty and a new privilege to your child
Tuesday 18 Oractice crossing the street safely.
Wednesday 19 Visit neighbors together, particularly if they have children.
Thursday 20 Donate old clothes, toys, or household items to charity together.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
April 22 Holiday! :)
April 22 is National Jelly Bean Day! It's a day to enjoy lots and lots of jelly beans! They are very popular at Easter time but people like to enjoy them year round! The people that make the candy get to choose the flavors. Whether they are good fruity ones or vomit and other nasty stuff; people still LOVE them and go crazy over them! :) If you haven't ever had any then you are missing out on a very good treat! Go to the store and buy some for this special day! :)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Stundent Spotlight!! :)
Date: April 20, 2010
Name: Kianna J.
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Food: Ice Cream
Favorite Drink: Sprite or Sierra Mist
Favorite Candy Bar: Hershey's
Favorite Animal: panda bear
Your Pets: 1 dog
Favorite School Subject: Math
Favorite Thing to Do: Chill with friends
Favorite Outdoor Activity: Swimming
Favorite Indoor Activity: Drawing
Favorite Sport: Soccor
Favorite Type of Weather: Sunny
Typical Mood: Happy and hyper
Job (now): None
Job Desired as an Adult: Dont know
Favorite Place to Go: Dont know
Best Vacation: Hatch, Cedar City
Place You Want to Visit: Hawaii
Crazy Thing You Like to Do: Painting
Million Dollars: Give to charity and some for college
Name: Kianna J.
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Food: Ice Cream
Favorite Drink: Sprite or Sierra Mist
Favorite Candy Bar: Hershey's
Favorite Animal: panda bear
Your Pets: 1 dog
Favorite School Subject: Math
Favorite Thing to Do: Chill with friends
Favorite Outdoor Activity: Swimming
Favorite Indoor Activity: Drawing
Favorite Sport: Soccor
Favorite Type of Weather: Sunny
Typical Mood: Happy and hyper
Job (now): None
Job Desired as an Adult: Dont know
Favorite Place to Go: Dont know
Best Vacation: Hatch, Cedar City
Place You Want to Visit: Hawaii
Crazy Thing You Like to Do: Painting
Million Dollars: Give to charity and some for college
The majors's Softball Team
Last night there was a game in Panaca. It was Panaca major's team vs. Pioche major's team. Pioche won 11-25. It was a very rough start in the begininng for Panaca. The first inning lasted a very long time. Pioche scored 8 in the first half. Then when Panaca was up to bat they made weak come back with a score of 1. It was the 2 inning already and Panaca's pitcher (Hayden B.) was throwing strike after strike. When Pioche got three outs Panaca came back and Sarah A. scored again with Panaca's 2 point. It was a very tough game but both teams did a great job. Our middle school actually has some students on the those teams. Kaitlin C. is on the Pioche team and Sydney A., Sarah A., and Kori L., are on the Panaca team.
Interview about the Conference
Kailtin C, Alexis H, and Jillyn K, interviewed Cameron F. about a conference they are going to this weekend. He's doing an introduction for the school. The conference is in Tahoe. He is going with his mom, Mr. Sidford, Mrs. Wertz, Mr. Zierow, Mr. Soderborg, and Mr. Thornock. The presentation is about the netbooks anf how they are helping us learn. He has to tell the people in the conference what he's found interesting or enjoyable. Have a great time guys! :)
softball :)
Last night Pioche and Panaca had a softball game in Panaca. It was a good and long game. Pioche won by 14 points. Sarah had a good hit to to left field. Kaitlin got a hit to center field and got on second. Sarah pitched very good. Kori and Sydney did very good. :)
Monday, April 19, 2010
Student Spotlight!
Name: Cody K.
Date: 4/19/10
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Drink: Squirt
Favorite Candy Bar: Fast Break
Favorite Animal: Puppies
Your Pets: 2 dogs and a lot of puppies
Favorite School Subject: P.E.
Favorite Thing To Do: Skate
Favorite Outdoor Activity: Riding his dirt bike
Favorite Indoor Activity: Indoor skate parks
Favorite Sport: Football
Favorite Type Of Weather: Rainy
Typical Mood: Happy
Job (now): Cleaning People's yards
Job Desired As An Adult: Motocross
Favorite Place To Go: The races
Best Vacation: Not Sure
Place You Want To Visit: The best motocross track
Crazy Thing You Like To Do: Go riding.
If You Had A Million Dollars: I dunno.
Date: 4/19/10
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Drink: Squirt
Favorite Candy Bar: Fast Break
Favorite Animal: Puppies
Your Pets: 2 dogs and a lot of puppies
Favorite School Subject: P.E.
Favorite Thing To Do: Skate
Favorite Outdoor Activity: Riding his dirt bike
Favorite Indoor Activity: Indoor skate parks
Favorite Sport: Football
Favorite Type Of Weather: Rainy
Typical Mood: Happy
Job (now): Cleaning People's yards
Job Desired As An Adult: Motocross
Favorite Place To Go: The races
Best Vacation: Not Sure
Place You Want To Visit: The best motocross track
Crazy Thing You Like To Do: Go riding.
If You Had A Million Dollars: I dunno.
April 20,2010
On April 20 we will have a half of day. The teachers will be doing a presentation to the state this weekend. So they have to put the presentation ready. THANK YOU lol :)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Half Day!(:
Mvms has a half day on Tuesday the 20th!(: we go home after lunch! Buses will run at that time to take the students from Caliente and Pioche home.
Why play Softball?
If your into sports at this time u should try softball. Well its fun and its just something to do instead of just stay and watch TV and play video games all day long huh. Lots of people play softball. Its not that bad i mean if you like get hit with the ball it goes away fast, if u just pull a muscule its not that bad it hurts but it heals. You can get in shape if want to or if you need to. You can play in games you can pratice if you just put your mind to it i mean its not that bad all u do is hit the ball and catch a ball and just run a lot. But trust me i play and it is really fun! but if your a guy i would go for baseball if i were u. People say thats fun to i mean its the same but with a small ball and u have to pitch differnt thats all but really its fun maybe next year lots of people can try out and play.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Student Spotlight!
Name: Amanda T.
Date: 4/14/10
Student Spotlight
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Chicken Nuggets
Favorite Drink: Diet Pepsi
Favorite Candy Bar: Twix
Favorite Animal: Dog
Your Pets: 2 Cats
Favorite School Subject: Lunch
Favorite Thing To Do: Ride Fourwheelers
Favorite Outdoor Activity: Walking
Favorite Indoor Activity: Hanging Out With Friends
Favorite Sport: Cheerleading
Favorite Type Of Weather: Bright and Sunny
Typical Mood: Sad
Job (now): Being a Child
Job Desired As An Adult: Architect
Favorite Place To Go: The Mall
Best Vacation: Georgia
Place You Want To Visit: Hawaii
Crazy Thing You Like To Do: Mud Bogging
If You Had A Million Dollars: Shopping Spree
Date: 4/14/10
Student Spotlight
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Chicken Nuggets
Favorite Drink: Diet Pepsi
Favorite Candy Bar: Twix
Favorite Animal: Dog
Your Pets: 2 Cats
Favorite School Subject: Lunch
Favorite Thing To Do: Ride Fourwheelers
Favorite Outdoor Activity: Walking
Favorite Indoor Activity: Hanging Out With Friends
Favorite Sport: Cheerleading
Favorite Type Of Weather: Bright and Sunny
Typical Mood: Sad
Job (now): Being a Child
Job Desired As An Adult: Architect
Favorite Place To Go: The Mall
Best Vacation: Georgia
Place You Want To Visit: Hawaii
Crazy Thing You Like To Do: Mud Bogging
If You Had A Million Dollars: Shopping Spree
Softball interviews
I talked to Rylie O. about the middle school softball team and how she likes it this is what she says: that it's really good, they don't know their postitions yet. They might have their first game on Thursday and they are playing a St. George team. Their uniforms are red, black, and white. Their coaches are Lorin Wilkin and Marty Soderborg. Rylie says she wants to play at either short-stop or catcher. She really likes softball.
Then I talked to Kaitlin C. who didn't make the traveling team. This is what she says that in a way she's glad that she didn't make it because she likes her uncle Shawn (the major girls coach)better than some of the middle school coaches. She says that she will be able to get more playing time this way.
Wish them luck in their games and come to support them! :) Good luck ladies!! :)
Then I talked to Kaitlin C. who didn't make the traveling team. This is what she says that in a way she's glad that she didn't make it because she likes her uncle Shawn (the major girls coach)better than some of the middle school coaches. She says that she will be able to get more playing time this way.
Wish them luck in their games and come to support them! :) Good luck ladies!! :)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The School Dance
The school dance will be held on May 11, 2010. The students that come will receive participation points to go toward the pride tripe. The student council will be choosing the songs. The student council has decided not to have a theme. But they want you yo come.
April Birthdays!! :)
Here are the April birthdays! :)
Kianna J. - 5th
Joseph A. - 10th
Mrs. Wertz - 10th
Kaitlin C. -14th
Colton J. - 16th
Brody T. - 24th
Alexa Ripp. - 26th
Kaylee T. - 30th
Have a great birthday guys!! :)
Kianna J. - 5th
Joseph A. - 10th
Mrs. Wertz - 10th
Kaitlin C. -14th
Colton J. - 16th
Brody T. - 24th
Alexa Ripp. - 26th
Kaylee T. - 30th
Have a great birthday guys!! :)
Monday, April 12, 2010
Softball!!!! (:
It's the time of year for.......SOFTBALL! Try-outs were last week and almost everyone made it except for four, Kaitlin C., Kelsie M., Kayla M., and Summer N. It's alright will make it next year for sure! (: The girls were split up into 2 different teams, a traveling team that will be able to play against places like Cedar City, St. George, White Pine and then the other team was called the local team. The girls that got cut from the traveling team will play more local teams. Have a great season and good luck at your first game!
This year some of our eighth grade girls tried out for cheerleading and 5 girls from our school made the JV team. Taylor Sody, Madi W., Caleigh S., Kaylee T. and Carli P. ! If you see them tell them good job (: Congradualtions girls!!!!
Friday, April 9, 2010
We would like to congratulate Mrs. Osborn because she has just got married to a nice man that lives in Oklahoma. That is where she is moving this summer. We should all be glad for her and congradulate her on her new marriage and tell her that you hope she has a good life.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Spring Break!!(:
I interviewed Aspen, Cody, Amanda, Danny, and Kori about what they did over spring break. Aspen said - During spring break, Bailey, Rylie, and her went to the races together then Aspen and Bailey went to St. George together. Then one of the nights Autumn and Rylie stayed at her house. Then Saturday and Sunday she was with family. The most fun part about her spring break was going to the races.
Kori said - During spring break, she went to Reno. She said the most exciting part about her spring break was seeing her cousins.
Danny said - During spring break he went Skating and Dirt bike riding with Jayden. He liked most of his spring break.
Amanda said - During her spring break she spent the night at Sativa's she also went to her house. Her and Sativa camped in her backyard, she also went to California. The most exciting part was camping in her backyard with Sativa.
Cody said - During his spring break, he went skating and he rode his dirt bike, while he was riding his dirt bike he broke his wrist. The most exciting part of his break was breaking his wrist!
Kori said - During spring break, she went to Reno. She said the most exciting part about her spring break was seeing her cousins.
Danny said - During spring break he went Skating and Dirt bike riding with Jayden. He liked most of his spring break.
Amanda said - During her spring break she spent the night at Sativa's she also went to her house. Her and Sativa camped in her backyard, she also went to California. The most exciting part was camping in her backyard with Sativa.
Cody said - During his spring break, he went skating and he rode his dirt bike, while he was riding his dirt bike he broke his wrist. The most exciting part of his break was breaking his wrist!
SpRiNg BrEaK!!
I interviewed poeple to see what they did over spring break. Here is what they said they did:
Kaylee T. - She went to a Diamond Back and Cubs game in Phineox. She said that the stadium was masive. They were very high up, but could see very good, right behind the home plate. She had a very good pizza and after that had a big bad of cotton candy and kettle corn with her cousin Andrea, my sister Sadie, Sadie's friend Aya; It was so good! Arizona won by two points. It was awesome!! :}
Chelsea L. - She hung out with Sydney and Alec A, Taylor Schim, Cheslsea's sister Cameron, Dallin, Stieg P, and the twins (Tia and Nicole F.) They went to Horlachers' and swung. :)
Jaycee W. - She went to Las Vegas and got her hair done. She got to see all of her cousins and go to an Easter egg hunt. =)
Kandace O. - She went to Boise to see her sister. She had a lot of fun! She went shopping at the mall, went swimming, and got to hang out with her sister Kayzha and her friends. :]
Samantha S. - She really enjoyed Easter weekend. She got to see her cousins and they did a big family Easter egg hunt. Her and her family had a BBQ. She had a lot of fun! =]
Kaylee T. - She went to a Diamond Back and Cubs game in Phineox. She said that the stadium was masive. They were very high up, but could see very good, right behind the home plate. She had a very good pizza and after that had a big bad of cotton candy and kettle corn with her cousin Andrea, my sister Sadie, Sadie's friend Aya; It was so good! Arizona won by two points. It was awesome!! :}
Chelsea L. - She hung out with Sydney and Alec A, Taylor Schim, Cheslsea's sister Cameron, Dallin, Stieg P, and the twins (Tia and Nicole F.) They went to Horlachers' and swung. :)
Jaycee W. - She went to Las Vegas and got her hair done. She got to see all of her cousins and go to an Easter egg hunt. =)
Kandace O. - She went to Boise to see her sister. She had a lot of fun! She went shopping at the mall, went swimming, and got to hang out with her sister Kayzha and her friends. :]
Samantha S. - She really enjoyed Easter weekend. She got to see her cousins and they did a big family Easter egg hunt. Her and her family had a BBQ. She had a lot of fun! =]
Song dedications
Hey guys comment on this with song dedications because we didn't get any this week:)
Funnest Spring Break Times......
In newspaper we were asked to ask 5 different people what their favorite part of spring break was. Here are the 5 people's anwser's that i recieved.
1. Brandon C. - On Monday was my little brother's birthday so we went snowboarding and it was so much fun! I went down the bunny hill 3 times then I went down the Navajo Hill and got some pretty good hops and jumps. I did a 180 twist and hurt my foot but it didnt hurt after that.
2. Taylor Schim. - I was very proud of myself because I stayed up until 3 in the morning. (:
3. Steig P. - I played night games and it was very fun because of the people that were there.
4. Preston R. - I went to Mesquite.
5. Bailey F. - I went to St. George.
1. Brandon C. - On Monday was my little brother's birthday so we went snowboarding and it was so much fun! I went down the bunny hill 3 times then I went down the Navajo Hill and got some pretty good hops and jumps. I did a 180 twist and hurt my foot but it didnt hurt after that.
2. Taylor Schim. - I was very proud of myself because I stayed up until 3 in the morning. (:
3. Steig P. - I played night games and it was very fun because of the people that were there.
4. Preston R. - I went to Mesquite.
5. Bailey F. - I went to St. George.
Spring Break
Derek went to Brandons and rode four wheelers and shot a lot of crows and he stayed in Alamo for a couple of days and he played basketball games agianst Alamo and that was the best thing that he did over Spring Break. Hyrum went ding dong ditching to peoples houses then they traveled for 5 hr to my 90 year old gramdmas house for her birthday. They he went to his cousin's and it was fun to him they they saw the movie Sherlock Homes we they got home and his wife and baby came for Easter then they left and he ate. Taylor Went to Grem, Utah and toured UVU. She also went swimming while wathcing it snow. And played night games. Stefan he favorite thing was Being out of school. Jeff favorite thing was Skating he really like it. That was there favorite thing to do.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Today during homeroom we got to throw sponges at people. We threw sponges at Taylor Sody, Jacob , and Mr. Lester!!(: It was wayyyy funny.(: While we were throwing them at Mr.Lester a bunch of guys went up with him and just stood there. Then after everybody threw their sponges at Mr. Lester since Kelsie was gone he got to just throw 5 sponges at all of the kids!! So he just randomly threw them. I was sitting against the modular building and i was talking to my friends and one of them hit me in the head!! It was crazy. Haha. It was tons of fun!!(: We raised some pretty good money. Also thank you Mrs. Osborn for putting most of this together for us!!(: It was a lot of fun!!(: Thanx!!(:
Hey guys...sorry. I thought we had made it so we can comment but we couldn't figure it out. We finally figured it out and it's changed PLEASE comment! :)-Leave song Dedications too!!
Sponge Contest!
Hey guys guess what is happening today?! The.........SPONGE CONTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today is the day where if you brought money in and put it towards a teacher that you wanted to see get hit with a sponge. Woo Hoo! The winner of the contest is Mr. Lester. The runner-up was Mr. Thornock with $10.00, then Ms. Osborn with $5.00 and then Mr. Sidford and Ms. Wertz at a tie with $0.00. The contest is going happen during homeroom this afternoon. So if you put money contest n Mr. Lester than today is your lucky day!!!!!!!!!!!! (:
The Newspaper Staff has unblocked the comments and we hope that the people that were writing bad comments get the hint. So now you can comment on all of our posts. But please be nice. You would not want to be the one that was having bad stuff said about you, so do what thumper says, "If you cant say something nice, dont say nothin at all!" (:
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
April 6 , 2010
Today is i'm sorry charlie. So today every time you see Charlie S. you need to say I'm sorry Charlie and see what he will do.
Comments and Pictures
Hey everyone.....we took away the comments because poeple were writing rude comments and we didn't like it. We think it has been long enough without comments and decided that we should let everyone comment again as long as you write good things on there. We would really like you guys to comment. :) We will give everyone another week to name whos shoes, jackets, cars, etc. that we took pictures of. Comment on one of the posts with the pictures. :)
The differnece between Wiki Anwsers and Wikipedia
Why not use Wiki Anwsers? What is the difference between using Wiki Anwsers and Wikipedia? Well on Wiki Anwsers some random person can go on and anwser any question with any anwser that they want. So if you use anwsers from there you wouldn't know whether the anwser is correct or not. So it is the Newspaper Staff's advice to you not to use Wiki Anwsers. With Wikipedia there is actually someone who checks the posts to make sure that no one is putting some random anwsers on there. You might be better off with getting your information from Wikipedia than Wiki Anwsers.
April Holiday :)
Today, April 6, is National Sorry Charlie Day. If you have been rejected, or someone has been rude to you, t0day is a day for everyone that has been picked on and still made it through the day. Just remember that having a bad day happens to all of us eventually. A good way to say sorry is to buy them flowers. :)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The 3rd quarter pride trip! :)
The 3rd quarter pride trip will be in Ceder City, Utah we will be seeing the movie "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" on Friday, Arpil 9th for the students that have earned the right to go. This is the time to have fun and wacth a movie that you maybe have not see before. But you got to make sure that you guys behave and do what you need to do. If you guys dont behave then we wont do this agian. I hope that you guys like this movie that the students have chosen. Hopefully this is a really good movie.
Spring Break!:)
Spring breack begins on Monday 29th and gose through April 2nd. School will resume on Monday, April 5th. I hope that all of you guys can have fun and stay out of trouble and be safe. This is the time do have fun because for one we dont have school for a week and that fun is just fn okay. I mean go out dont say inside have fun play baseball, football, and basketball haha stay shape for this Summer to come along its coming fast watch out!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Song Dedications!!
To: Kandace O.
From: Jill k.
Song: 1980
Artist: Rehab
To: Charlie s
From: unknown
Song: you belong with me
Artist: taylor swift.
To: Kaitlin c
From: Madi w
Song:white lier
Artist: Miranda Lambert
To: The school
From: Unknown
Song: Party in the U.S.A
Artist: Miley Cyrus
To: Kianna J.
From: Unkown
Song: Imma Star
Artist: Jerimiah
From: Jill k.
Song: 1980
Artist: Rehab
To: Charlie s
From: unknown
Song: you belong with me
Artist: taylor swift.
To: Kaitlin c
From: Madi w
Song:white lier
Artist: Miranda Lambert
To: The school
From: Unknown
Song: Party in the U.S.A
Artist: Miley Cyrus
To: Kianna J.
From: Unkown
Song: Imma Star
Artist: Jerimiah
Another March holiday!! :)
Today is National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day. This day is celebrated to enjoy the delicious combination of chocolate and fruit. Apparently chocolate lovers who like raisins find this delicious snack irresistable!! Kids have been known to drive their parents absolutley insane just to get these! Chocolate is made from cocoa beans (which people consider a vegetable) and raisins are just dried fruit and we all know that vegetables and fruits are good for you....Therefore, this is a healthy snack, isn't it?? :)
Whose Shoes?
Sarah A. and Jillyn K. went around and took pictures of random people's shoes. You guys need to figure out whose shoes they are and write it down and put in the newspaper locker. Be sure to put your name on it so we know who all got it. If you get it it right then you get a Spirit point and a goody coupon for each one you get right. Please put the number of the shoe or jacket (#1, 2, 3, etc) and the persons name you think it is.
Shoe #1. Whose shoe??
Shoe #2.

Shoe #3.
Shoe #1. Whose shoe??
Shoe #3.
Whose jackets are these?
Jacket #1.
Jacket #1.
Jacket #2.
April Fools Day
On April 1, 2010 is April Fools Day. Be thinking of fun jokes to play on your friends, family, and more! There are alot of fun pranks that you can play on one can go onto a website that has lots of good ideas.
Spring Break!!! [:
This weekend is the start of spring break. Thursday is the day the get out of school and it goes for one whole week. But the official day it starts is this up coming Monday. We go for 1 week and come back the next Monday morning, the 4th of April or something. Everyone have a great time on the break!!!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
High School Musical Play[:
The high school students are doing a play called high school musical. They are perform Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday . I went on Friday and Saturday. Our highschoolers are very talented. They did a great job so far[: The new auditorium is a really cool place[: Its HUGE! The stage is really cool and AMAZING[: So make sure that you go to the play at least one night and watch it. Its pretty cool.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Thursday we had intermurals. We played sissy ball, freeze tag, softball and i think thats it. During the intermurals we also had a game room in Mr. Sidfords room. There was also some kids in there doing make up work. Then we had the kids that were failing grades in Mrs. Wertz room and Mrs. Osborn's room. Those kids were working pretty hard. Then we went to lunch at 12:15 i think. Then after lunch we watched movies. We had Friday Night Lights, Night at the Museum, and Shrek. Then during those movies we had kids in Mrs. Wertz room that were failing grades. It was a pretty fun day Thursday.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
EnD Of ThE QuArTeR
Today is the end of the quarter and you need to have everything in if you want to go to high school. Today there will intermarries and intervention then you will have the time to catch up. After lunch we will watch movies and intervention will be held in the reading room.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
People that have been texting during school have gotten there phones taken away so you guys out there that have phones need to not be texting in school hours. These phone that have been taken away need to be pick up by one of your parnents. You guys need to stop texting its not a very good idea to be texting in school not a good idea. So stop man people are getting there phones tacken away a lot
sOnG dEdIcAtIoN's!!!
To: Sarah A.
From: Kourtney J.
Song: Smile by Uncle Kracker
To: Sarah A.
From: Brandon C.
Song: Shoes by Kelly Liam Sullivan
To: Rylie O.
From: Aspen and Alexis
Song: How Low by Ludacris
To: Stefan H.
From: Unknown
Song: The Bad Touch by Bloodhound Gang
To: Aspen W.
From: Alexs H.
Song: Knockout by Lil Wayne
To: Sydney A.
From: Kayla M.
Song: Thug Story by Taylor Swift
To: Kourtney J.
From: Sarah A.
Song: Yo by Chris Brown
To: Alexa R.
From: Unknown
Song: TiK ToK by Ke$ha
To: Stefan H.
From: Derek S.
Song: Smile by Uncle Kracker
To: McKenzie M.
From: Amanda J.
Song: Best Friends by James Peter
To: Derek S.
From: Unknown
Song: Life After You by Daughtry
To: Derek S.
From: Unknown
Song: Maple Tree by Angel Taylor
From: Kourtney J.
Song: Smile by Uncle Kracker
To: Sarah A.
From: Brandon C.
Song: Shoes by Kelly Liam Sullivan
To: Rylie O.
From: Aspen and Alexis
Song: How Low by Ludacris
To: Stefan H.
From: Unknown
Song: The Bad Touch by Bloodhound Gang
To: Aspen W.
From: Alexs H.
Song: Knockout by Lil Wayne
To: Sydney A.
From: Kayla M.
Song: Thug Story by Taylor Swift
To: Kourtney J.
From: Sarah A.
Song: Yo by Chris Brown
To: Alexa R.
From: Unknown
Song: TiK ToK by Ke$ha
To: Stefan H.
From: Derek S.
Song: Smile by Uncle Kracker
To: McKenzie M.
From: Amanda J.
Song: Best Friends by James Peter
To: Derek S.
From: Unknown
Song: Life After You by Daughtry
To: Derek S.
From: Unknown
Song: Maple Tree by Angel Taylor
why is March called March?
The names of March comes from ancient Rome, when March was the first month of the year and named Marius after Mas, the Roman god of war. In Rome, where the climate is Mediterranean, March is the first month of speing, a logical point for the beginning of the year as well as the start of the military campaign season. January became the first month of the calendar year either under King Numa Pompilius or under the Decemvirs about 450 BCE (Roman writers differ). The numbered year began on March 1 in Russia untill the end of the fifteenth century. Great Britain and her colonies contiued to use March 25 untill 1752, which was when they ultimately adopted the Gregorian calendar. Many other cultured and religions still celebrate the beginning of the New Year in March.
Leukemia Fundraiser
We are doing a Leukemia fundraiser. What you do is your bring money and you go to Ms. Osborn and tell her which teacher you want to put your money in for and which ever teacher wins, whoever puts money in gets to throw one sponge for each dollar you donate. If the teacher that you put money in for doesn't win, you don't get to throw any sponges but the money still goes to the Leukemia fundraiser. The teachers participating are Mr. Lester, Ms. Osborn, Mr. Sidford, Mr. Thornock, and Mrs. Wertz. Here are the order so far:
Ms. Osborn: $5.00
Mr. Lester: $3.00
Mr. Thornock: $3.00
Mr. Sidford: $0
Mrs. Wertz: $0
If you want a certain teacher to win, bring money! The last day to put money in for the fundraiser is next Thursday, March 27th, 2010.
Ms. Osborn: $5.00
Mr. Lester: $3.00
Mr. Thornock: $3.00
Mr. Sidford: $0
Mrs. Wertz: $0
If you want a certain teacher to win, bring money! The last day to put money in for the fundraiser is next Thursday, March 27th, 2010.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
BIrThDaYs :]
March 2010 birthdays :]
March 2: Amanda T. 7 1997 13
March 5: Destiny M. 7 1997 13
March 7 : Cody K. 8 1996 14
March 10: Charlie S. 7 1997 13
March 17 : Chelsea L. 8 1996 13
March 19: Aspen W. 7 1997 13
March 23: Frank B. 7 1997 13
March 2: Amanda T. 7 1997 13
March 5: Destiny M. 7 1997 13
March 7 : Cody K. 8 1996 14
March 10: Charlie S. 7 1997 13
March 17 : Chelsea L. 8 1996 13
March 19: Aspen W. 7 1997 13
March 23: Frank B. 7 1997 13
Monday, March 15, 2010
St. Patrick history
A lot of people think that St. Patricks Day is all about Leprachauns, Green, and 4-leaf clovers. How did that all start? St. Patrick was a patron of Ireland (which means he was the one who supported Ireland during his life and poeple looked up to him.) He was commonly known to many Christians. We celebrate St. Patrick's Day on March 17. That was his feast day and his death. This holiday has been celebrated for thousands of years. In Ireland usually Catholic families traditionally would attend church in the morning and celebrate in the afternoon. People usually would dance, drink and feast on the traditional Irish bacon and cabbage. They added the four-leaf clovers because it symbolizes good luck by the Irish and they wear them on St. Patrick's Day.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Why did the Irish believe in leprechauns?
The myth probably goes back to the story of where there is a pot of gold under the rainbow, and that would be where you'd see a leprechaun. And it might symbolize inherent positivity, despite the natural shortness of some humans' body's and red hair; and and those of us who are from that country that has a fiddle-dee-dee accent, whereas the majority of Dubliners have a Colin Farrellesque accent.
Whats happens in March?
On this day in 1933, eight days after his inaugurations, President Franklin D. Roosevelt gives his frist national radio address or "fireside chat," broadcast directly form the White House. Roosevelt began that first address simply: "i want to talk for a few minutes with the people of the nited States about banking." He went on to explain his recent decision to close the nation's banks in order to stop a surge in mass withdrawls by panicked investors worried about possible bank failures. The bank would be reopening the next day, Roosevelt said, and he thanked the public for their "fortitude and good temper" during the "banking holiday."
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Middle Name Pride Day
Have a middle name? Thinkk it's great? Then shout it out today! Yes, today is Middle Name Pride Day. This is the day when you think about your middle name, how it makes you unique, and who you were named after. Now, think about who you are today and enjoy your middle name!
*Student Spotlight*
Name: Samantha S.
Date: March 10, 1010
1. Favorite color: Green
2. Favorite drink: Water
3. Favorite candy: Skittles
4. Favorite food: Hot wings
5. Favorite animal: White Tiger
6. Your pets: Isabelle-Great Dane (Dog) Smegal (Cat)
7. Favorite school subject: Art
8. Favorite thing to do: Play Basketball
9. Favorite outdoor activity: Play Volleyball
10. Favorite indoor activity: Play the Wii
11. Favorite sport: Basketball
12. Favorite type of weather: Rainy and sunny days
13. Typical mood: Happy
14. Job (now): Babysitting
15. Favorite place to go: Cedar City
16. Best vacation: Ely
17. Place you want to visit: A beach
18. Crazy thing you want to do: Be rich
19. If you had a million dollars, what would you do: Buy stuff
March Holidays
For the month of March there are some very interesting holidays. Here is the list of them:
1: Peanut Lovers Day 13: Jewel Day 25: Waffle Day
2: Old Stuff Day 14: National Potato Day 26: Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
3: I Want You to be Happy Day 5: Everything You Think is Wrong Day 27: "Joe" Day
4: Holy Experiment Day 6: Freedom of Information Day 28: Stick Day
5: National Salesperson Day 17: Saint Patrick's Day 29: Smoke and Mirrors Day
6: Dentist Day 18: Supreme Sacrifice Day 30: I am in Control Day
7: National Crow Roast of Pork Day 19: Poultry Day 31: Bunsen Burner Day
8: Be Nasty 20: Proposal Day
9: Panic Day 21: Fragrence Day
10: Middle Name Pride Day 22: National Goof Off Day
11: Jonhhy Appleseed Day 23: National Chip and Dip Day
12: Plant a Flower Day 24: National Chocolate Chip Day
1: Peanut Lovers Day 13: Jewel Day 25: Waffle Day
2: Old Stuff Day 14: National Potato Day 26: Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
3: I Want You to be Happy Day 5: Everything You Think is Wrong Day 27: "Joe" Day
4: Holy Experiment Day 6: Freedom of Information Day 28: Stick Day
5: National Salesperson Day 17: Saint Patrick's Day 29: Smoke and Mirrors Day
6: Dentist Day 18: Supreme Sacrifice Day 30: I am in Control Day
7: National Crow Roast of Pork Day 19: Poultry Day 31: Bunsen Burner Day
8: Be Nasty 20: Proposal Day
9: Panic Day 21: Fragrence Day
10: Middle Name Pride Day 22: National Goof Off Day
11: Jonhhy Appleseed Day 23: National Chip and Dip Day
12: Plant a Flower Day 24: National Chocolate Chip Day
[:!*student spolight*!:]
favvorite color : ORANGE
favorite drink : PEPSI
favorite candy : MENTO'S
favorite food : BURRITTO'S
favorite animal : DOG
your pets : dog's ZEKE AND OSCER
favorite school subject : P.E.
favorite sports : SOFTBALL & VOLLEYBALL
place you want to go : SCOTTLAND
favvorite color : ORANGE
favorite drink : PEPSI
favorite candy : MENTO'S
favorite food : BURRITTO'S
favorite animal : DOG
your pets : dog's ZEKE AND OSCER
favorite school subject : P.E.
favorite sports : SOFTBALL & VOLLEYBALL
place you want to go : SCOTTLAND
Monday, March 8, 2010
Laughlin concert
Danny played snare, timpony, and the bongos. He thinks he did good. The people that played with him was Adam, Tyler, Jess, Sami, Amber, Isaac, and Emily. Adam played the timpony, snare, and timbala. He thinks that he did fairly good. He thinks he could have done better. the people he played with was Danny, Tyler, Jess, Sami, Amber, Isaac, and Emily. They did really good. Good job guys.
On Satuday, the band and Choir children went to the Laughlin for a consert. And here we are interviewing a girl named Kelsie and she was there to sing the the Lincoln Countney for the choir students. They sang the song afternoon on the hill, after the rain, Exultate justi in domino. The score that they got excellent plus. She says that they did ok and that she liked it. she was not nerves because she was to tried.
She also played in the band she insterment that she had played in the band was the clarient. She also did a piano solo the song that she played was the opening themes of piano concerto number 2. She said that it was pretty cool and that she would like to go back.
She also played in the band she insterment that she had played in the band was the clarient. She also did a piano solo the song that she played was the opening themes of piano concerto number 2. She said that it was pretty cool and that she would like to go back.
Soloist for Laughlin
On Saturday March 6, 2010 the band and choir students went to Laughlin. I interviewed Caleigh S. about her solo. The song she sang for her solo was Let Me In, from the musical Rigaletto. She says that she thinks she did great. She got an excellent which is very good. They only thing that the judge had to say to her was that she moved around too much and that she messed up a little bit on the words but she kept on going. She said that she was very nervous. She had to sing in front of a crowd. She says that she had a fun weekend in Laughlin. She also got to play in the band. She says that she met her conscience in the mall. Way to go Caleigh and the rest of the band and choir students you did great!!
Taylors favorite band was none of them we were the best.
Her fav. Song is CLOUDBURST.
She plays a trumpet
she was nervous
Her perspective on this is “I wish we would have gotten better than an excellent. We aren't even close to the level we were last year.”
Last year they were superior. This year they were excellent.
Taylors favorite band was none of them we were the best.
Her fav. Song is CLOUDBURST.
She plays a trumpet
she was nervous
Her perspective on this is “I wish we would have gotten better than an excellent. We aren't even close to the level we were last year.”
Last year they were superior. This year they were excellent.
Southern Nevada Indoor Percussion Association
Danny and Adam says that there was lots of people there. There was 15 drumlines with about 15 people in each drumline. Adam's favorite band that played was Vegas Vanguard. Danny's favorite band was Vanguard also. They think that they did very good. Danny had to go get their award and he thought it was scary cause there was tons of people. Middle school percusion ansomble got first place in the Jr. division. They also got a 44 which is good considering it was there first show and other people got 20's at there first show. They beat several high schools. The competition they went to on friday night was almost completly high school drumlines.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The kids are leaving to laughlin on saturday at 3:15 in the morning. Stefan says that he thinks he will do good. 2nd trumpets are gonna do well at laughlin becasue they have been practicing alot. Christian thinks he is the best. They are going to go to the mall while they are there. They are going to eat at the mall also. They said that there is a party at preston's house friday night for only the band students. Ms. Osborn said that they have really good groups. She thinks that they will do well. She also says that she is nervous. They will have fun! GOOD LUCK BAND STUDENTS! HAVE FUN!:]
Monday, March 1, 2010
Associated Press Writer
SANTIAGO, Chile — A massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake struck Chile early Saturday, collapsing buildings, killing at least 16 people and downing phone lines. President Michele Bachelet declared a "state of catastrophe" in central Chile and said the death toll was rising.
Tsunami warnings were issued over a wide area, including South America, Hawaii, Australia and New Zealand, Japan, the Philippines, Russia and many Pacific islands.
"We have had a huge earthquake, with some aftershocks," Bachelet said, appealing from an emergency response center for Chileans to remain calm. "Despite this, the system is functioning. People should remain calm. We're doing everything we can with all the forces we have. Any information we will share immediately."
Bachelet said early reports were that 16 people had been killed, and "without a doubt, with an earthquake of this magnitude, there will be more deaths."
In the 2 1/2 hours following the 90-second quake, the U.S. Geological Survey reported 11 aftershocks, of which five measured 6.0 or above.
She urged people to avoid traveling in the dark, since traffic lights are down, to avoid causing more fatalities.
The quake hit 200 miles (325 kilometers) southwest of the capital, Santiago, at a depth of 22 miles (35 kilometers) at 3:34 a.m. (0634 GMT; 1:34 a.m. EST), the U.S. Geological Survey reported.
The epicenter was just 70 miles (115 kilometers) from Concepcion, Chile's second-largest city, where more than 200,000 people live along the Bio Bio river, and 60 miles from the ski town of Chillan, a gateway to Andean ski resorts that was destroyed in a 1939 earthquake.
Associated Press Writer
SANTIAGO, Chile — A massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake struck Chile early Saturday, collapsing buildings, killing at least 16 people and downing phone lines. President Michele Bachelet declared a "state of catastrophe" in central Chile and said the death toll was rising.
Tsunami warnings were issued over a wide area, including South America, Hawaii, Australia and New Zealand, Japan, the Philippines, Russia and many Pacific islands.
"We have had a huge earthquake, with some aftershocks," Bachelet said, appealing from an emergency response center for Chileans to remain calm. "Despite this, the system is functioning. People should remain calm. We're doing everything we can with all the forces we have. Any information we will share immediately."
Bachelet said early reports were that 16 people had been killed, and "without a doubt, with an earthquake of this magnitude, there will be more deaths."
In the 2 1/2 hours following the 90-second quake, the U.S. Geological Survey reported 11 aftershocks, of which five measured 6.0 or above.
She urged people to avoid traveling in the dark, since traffic lights are down, to avoid causing more fatalities.
The quake hit 200 miles (325 kilometers) southwest of the capital, Santiago, at a depth of 22 miles (35 kilometers) at 3:34 a.m. (0634 GMT; 1:34 a.m. EST), the U.S. Geological Survey reported.
The epicenter was just 70 miles (115 kilometers) from Concepcion, Chile's second-largest city, where more than 200,000 people live along the Bio Bio river, and 60 miles from the ski town of Chillan, a gateway to Andean ski resorts that was destroyed in a 1939 earthquake.
pioche weather
The weather station said (quote)
"Today: Sunshine and clouds mixed. High around 45F. Winds light and variable.
Tonight: A few clouds. Low near 30F. Winds light and variable.
Tomorrow: Mainly cloudy. High 49F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph.
Tomorrow night: A mixture of rain and snow showers. Low 32F. Winds at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precip 30%.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy. Highs in the upper 40s and lows in the low 30s.
Thursday: Mix of rain and snow showers. Highs in the upper 30s and lows in the mid 20s.
Friday: Mix of sun and clouds. Highs in the mid 40s and lows in the low 30s.
"Today: Sunshine and clouds mixed. High around 45F. Winds light and variable.
Tonight: A few clouds. Low near 30F. Winds light and variable.
Tomorrow: Mainly cloudy. High 49F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph.
Tomorrow night: A mixture of rain and snow showers. Low 32F. Winds at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precip 30%.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy. Highs in the upper 40s and lows in the low 30s.
Thursday: Mix of rain and snow showers. Highs in the upper 30s and lows in the mid 20s.
Friday: Mix of sun and clouds. Highs in the mid 40s and lows in the low 30s.
CRT testing...
This week we are doing CRT testing. CRT stands for criterion refrenced testing. We will be testing on Monday and Tuesday. On Monday we are going to do math and on Tuesday we will be doing reading. There are two parts to each subject. Each part is one hour long. We will be separated into different class depending on which ones the teachers decide to put us in. No one is excited but it will show our school what kind of excellence we have as a school.
Softball [:
The season for basketball is sadly over for the girls. They were all sad that it didnt last longer. But SOFTBALL season is starting up really soon! Were not sure who the coaches are but a lot of the girls in this school are very pumped and ready! It is going to be a great season. There is a lot of talent in our school and we are proud of the girls who work hard at what they love, and care about the sport. This years softball season is going to be intense and we are going to have a great team because we have a lot of talent coming up from last year and the 7th graders who were on the majors team. It's going to be an awesome season! [:
On Monday the 1st and Tuesday the 2nd we will be doing CRT testing. We will do math the first day and the second day we will be doing Reading. The 8th graders on monday have to do a science test after lunch. Then tuesday we will just do our reading test. Good luck:] Try your hardest. Don't rush yourself:] you have plenty of time.
High School Cheer Competition
On Saturday Febuary 27th The high school cheerleaders went to Reno for State and for cheer competition. The cheerleaders had to compete against 3A cheerleaders, instead of 2A cheerleaders like they usually do. Their performance was great:]Their cheer coach said that she could not pick out one single thing that they did wrong. They were proud of how they did. They have such great talent.Their stunts are amazing, also very dangerous. Sadly, they did not place. These girls have very amazing talent. They would have placed if they didn't have to compete against 3A. They worked so hard this year. Their original cheer coach Heidi moved to vegas. So now their cheer coach is Gretchen. The girls were so happy because Heidi came to their cheer competition. They worked hard and did a great job:] Next year will be better:]
What should they do?
Hey if you guys have any suggestions to have Jacob W., Taylor So., do something crazy let us know.-If we could do something crazy to one of the teachers who would it be and what should we do? Let us know.-Just comment or write in to the newspaper locker if you want your idea to be used. You can just slip the paper into the side of the locker.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
panaca weather
the weather station said (quote)
Today: Mainly sunny to start, then a few afternoon clouds. High 49F. Winds light and variable.
Tonight: Cloudy skies. Low 29F. Winds light and variable.
Tomorrow: Cloudy early with showers for the afternoon hours. Thunder possible. High around 50F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60%.
Tomorrow night: Periods of rain and snow. Low near 30F. Winds light and variable. Chance of precip 60%.
Thursday: Morning snow showers. Highs in the mid 40s and lows in the upper 20s.
Friday: Mostly Cloudy. Highs in the mid 50s and lows in the mid 30s.
Saturday: Showers possible. Highs in the mid 40s and lows in the low 30s
Today: Mainly sunny to start, then a few afternoon clouds. High 49F. Winds light and variable.
Tonight: Cloudy skies. Low 29F. Winds light and variable.
Tomorrow: Cloudy early with showers for the afternoon hours. Thunder possible. High around 50F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60%.
Tomorrow night: Periods of rain and snow. Low near 30F. Winds light and variable. Chance of precip 60%.
Thursday: Morning snow showers. Highs in the mid 40s and lows in the upper 20s.
Friday: Mostly Cloudy. Highs in the mid 50s and lows in the mid 30s.
Saturday: Showers possible. Highs in the mid 40s and lows in the low 30s
pioche weather
the weather station said (quote)
Today: Mostly sunny. High 41F. Winds light and variable.
Tonight: Overcast. Low 26F. Winds light and variable.
Tomorrow: Some rain and snow throughout the day. Thunder possible. High 41F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of precip 60%.
Tomorrow night: Rain and snow in the evening transitioning to snow showers late. Low 27F. Winds light and variable. Chance of precip 80%. Some snow accumulation possible.
Thursday: Snow showers. Highs in the low 40s and lows in the mid 20s.
Friday: Mostly Cloudy. Highs in the mid 40s and lows in the low 30s.
Saturday: Rain and snow showers. Highs in the upper 30s and lows in the upper 20s.
Today: Mostly sunny. High 41F. Winds light and variable.
Tonight: Overcast. Low 26F. Winds light and variable.
Tomorrow: Some rain and snow throughout the day. Thunder possible. High 41F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of precip 60%.
Tomorrow night: Rain and snow in the evening transitioning to snow showers late. Low 27F. Winds light and variable. Chance of precip 80%. Some snow accumulation possible.
Thursday: Snow showers. Highs in the low 40s and lows in the mid 20s.
Friday: Mostly Cloudy. Highs in the mid 40s and lows in the low 30s.
Saturday: Rain and snow showers. Highs in the upper 30s and lows in the upper 20s.
February Holiday
People come up with different holidays for each day of the year to show appreciation or celebrate different things. Today, February 23, is "Play Tennis Day". The site I found this on says that Americans love playing tennis. It's a fun sport to play and get good exercise. Since most of us don't have a tennis court then a back-up thing to do is you can read about it, and if you don't feel like reading then you can always watch it on T.V. :)
Mr. Sidford's Play Workshop
Right before the Shakepeare play yesterday, we all were assingned to a group in which 2 actors came and tought us some techniques about acting. I was in Mr. Sidford's workshop. In there they showed us show combat. Like they showed us how to slap and punch and pull hair, but they did it in a way so that we didnt really hurt anyone. It was cool.
Monday, February 22, 2010
what were these work shops ?
these work shops are suposed to help you understand the play THE TAMING OR THE SHREW. the station that i was in we learned how to have fun and say yes. If you say yes then the story has a positive theme and a happy ending . when you learn to write you need to say yes because it helps the theme of most storys.
Feels Like:45 °F
Barometer:30.09 in and steady
Humidity:37 %
Visibility:10 mi
Dewpoint:19 °F
Wind:SSW 6 mph
Sunrise:7:14 AM
Sunset:6:21 PM
45°High: 40° Low
Mostly Sunny
Few Showers
Mostly Cloudy Extended Forecast
High: 40°
Low: 20° High: 49°
Low: 29° High: 49°
Low: 30° High: 52°
Low: 29° High: 54°
Low: 22
Feels Like:45 °F
Barometer:30.09 in and steady
Humidity:37 %
Visibility:10 mi
Dewpoint:19 °F
Wind:SSW 6 mph
Sunrise:7:14 AM
Sunset:6:21 PM
45°High: 40° Low
Mostly Sunny
Few Showers
Mostly Cloudy Extended Forecast
High: 40°
Low: 20° High: 49°
Low: 29° High: 49°
Low: 30° High: 52°
Low: 29° High: 54°
Low: 22
Thank You!!
Thank you for letting us take home are netbook. In other school we really would not have these and be able to take these home. Thank you for also making this happpen for all of us. We have these netbooks that do every that can help us. This can help us by saving lots of paper and lots of other things. Just we thank you for do this all for us and we all know that this is hard because someone can just brake these and you are letting us take these home and then all your time will be wasted. So i really thing that this is cool because we like being able to take such a cool thing home with us. So we just want to Thank you for making all of this happen.
February is Black History Month
Black History Facts
Black History Month began as "Negro History Week," which was created in 1926 by Carter G. Woodson, a noted African American historian, scholar, educator, and publisher. It became a month-long celebration in 1976. The month of February was chosen to coincide with the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. On February 12, 2009, the NAACP will mark its 100th anniversary. Spurred by growing racial violence in the early twentieth century, and particularly by race riots in Springfield Illinois in 1908, a group of African American leaders joined together to form a new permanent civil rights organization, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). February 12, 1909 was chosen because it was the centennial anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. Jack Johnson became the first African-American man to hold the World Heavyweight Champion boxing title in 1908. He held on to the belt until 1915. There is lots of other reasons why we have this as month in February. So we just thank you for having African-American are allowed to do what they do today like do every thing that a white person has the right to do.
Black History Month began as "Negro History Week," which was created in 1926 by Carter G. Woodson, a noted African American historian, scholar, educator, and publisher. It became a month-long celebration in 1976. The month of February was chosen to coincide with the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. On February 12, 2009, the NAACP will mark its 100th anniversary. Spurred by growing racial violence in the early twentieth century, and particularly by race riots in Springfield Illinois in 1908, a group of African American leaders joined together to form a new permanent civil rights organization, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). February 12, 1909 was chosen because it was the centennial anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. Jack Johnson became the first African-American man to hold the World Heavyweight Champion boxing title in 1908. He held on to the belt until 1915. There is lots of other reasons why we have this as month in February. So we just thank you for having African-American are allowed to do what they do today like do every thing that a white person has the right to do.
The workshop
There was a workshop that was yesterday and people came from the Shakeshpearian Festiveal and taught us about what they were going to show us and what they do. They show us more about Shakespear and what his writing is all about and what they mean. They showed us some games and what was about his writing. They told us about what he did when he was writing. They taught us about how he did writing and why he did that way, they showed us what they did when they were acting and how they did what they do. So they talk about what they done and how they do what he does in what he does when he is writing. They showed us some of the things that they had done. Show it was a great thing that they did this to teach us more about Shakespears writing.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Final Spelling Bee
Yesterday was the spelling bee.At the beggining of the spelling bee Lincoln County HIgh School and Paranaghat Valley High School did a poetry reading or poetry reciting contest. The schools that participated in the spelling bee was:
Panaca Elementary
Caliente Elementary
Meadow Valley Middle School
Paranaghat Valley Elementary School
Paranaghat Valley Middle School
The kids from MVMS that participated were:
Aleesha C
Clay C
Kayla M
Jessica M
The person who won for our school was Aleesha C.
They are not going to go to the state spelling bee this year because we would have to pay $100 per school to go to the state spelling bee.
Panaca Elementary
Caliente Elementary
Meadow Valley Middle School
Paranaghat Valley Elementary School
Paranaghat Valley Middle School
The kids from MVMS that participated were:
Aleesha C
Clay C
Kayla M
Jessica M
The person who won for our school was Aleesha C.
They are not going to go to the state spelling bee this year because we would have to pay $100 per school to go to the state spelling bee.
Haiti Fundraiser Results!
The newspaper counted up the money and here is what we got....
Here are the boys:
Jacob W.-$14.75
Brody T.-$9.09
Chris F.-$8.25
Stieg P.-$3.23
Kendal T.-$2.41
Danny O.-$2.00
For the girls we have:
Taylor S.-$6.69
Sydney A.-$5.24
Chelsea L.-$2.79
Amanda J.-$2.25
To decide who the winners were we counted up all the money and took the girl with the highest amount and the boy. So.....TAYLOR SO. AND JACOB W. ARE THE WINNERS!! They will be doing something embarrassing in front of the whole school. The teachers are still deciding what these two students will have to do.
The total amount of money we raised for Haiti is $56.70
Here are the boys:
Jacob W.-$14.75
Brody T.-$9.09
Chris F.-$8.25
Stieg P.-$3.23
Kendal T.-$2.41
Danny O.-$2.00
For the girls we have:
Taylor S.-$6.69
Sydney A.-$5.24
Chelsea L.-$2.79
Amanda J.-$2.25
To decide who the winners were we counted up all the money and took the girl with the highest amount and the boy. So.....TAYLOR SO. AND JACOB W. ARE THE WINNERS!! They will be doing something embarrassing in front of the whole school. The teachers are still deciding what these two students will have to do.
The total amount of money we raised for Haiti is $56.70
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Lexi R
1. Favorite color: purple
2. Favorite food: pizza
3. Favorite drink:mountain dew
4. Favorite candy bar: fastbreak
5. Favorite animal: non
6. Your pets: cat
7. Favorite school subject: lunch
8. Favorite thing to do: text
9. Favorite outdoor activity: ride four-wheeler
10. Favorite indoor activity: hang out with friends
11. Favorite sport: basketball
12. Favorite type of weather: sunny
13. Typical mood: happy
14. Job (now):non
15. Job desired as an adult:orthodontist
16. Favorite place to go:the movies
17. Best vacation: Alaska
18. Place you want to visit: Hawaii
19. Crazy thing you like to do: hang out with friends
20. If you had a million dollars: by an escolade
2. Favorite food: pizza
3. Favorite drink:mountain dew
4. Favorite candy bar: fastbreak
5. Favorite animal: non
6. Your pets: cat
7. Favorite school subject: lunch
8. Favorite thing to do: text
9. Favorite outdoor activity: ride four-wheeler
10. Favorite indoor activity: hang out with friends
11. Favorite sport: basketball
12. Favorite type of weather: sunny
13. Typical mood: happy
14. Job (now):non
15. Job desired as an adult:orthodontist
16. Favorite place to go:the movies
17. Best vacation: Alaska
18. Place you want to visit: Hawaii
19. Crazy thing you like to do: hang out with friends
20. If you had a million dollars: by an escolade
Alexis H
1.Favorite color: Blue
2.Favorite food: Pizza
3.Favorite drink: Mountain Dew
4.Favorite candy bar: Snickers
5.Favorite animal: Dog
6.Your pets: 4 Dogs
7.Favorite school subject: Lunch
8.Favorite thing to do: Hang out with friends
9.Favorite outdoor activity: Walking
10.Favorite indoor activity: Taking naps
11.Favorite sport: Softball
12.Favorite type of weather: Rainy
13.Typical mood: Happy
14.Job (now): Don't have one
15.Job desired as an adult: Not sure
16.Favorite place to go: Mall
17.Best vacation: Washington D.C.
18.Place you want to visit: Hawaii
19.Crazy thing you want to do: Go bungee jumping
20.If you had a million dollars: Buy stuff
2.Favorite food: Pizza
3.Favorite drink: Mountain Dew
4.Favorite candy bar: Snickers
5.Favorite animal: Dog
6.Your pets: 4 Dogs
7.Favorite school subject: Lunch
8.Favorite thing to do: Hang out with friends
9.Favorite outdoor activity: Walking
10.Favorite indoor activity: Taking naps
11.Favorite sport: Softball
12.Favorite type of weather: Rainy
13.Typical mood: Happy
14.Job (now): Don't have one
15.Job desired as an adult: Not sure
16.Favorite place to go: Mall
17.Best vacation: Washington D.C.
18.Place you want to visit: Hawaii
19.Crazy thing you want to do: Go bungee jumping
20.If you had a million dollars: Buy stuff
Haiti Fundraiser
The two people that are in the lead are Jacob W.and Taylor So. Today is the last day to bring in money. We will be couting the money tomorrow and then we will total up the results.
Girls Basketball Tournament [:
This past weekend the 7th and 8th grade girls had a tournament in Moapa. The 8th grade girls went first and they had two games. They lost both. :( In the first game Chelsea L. puked again. She asked Duane to take her out but he said that she was fine. She started to shake her head and cover her mouth. When all the other girls ran down the court Chelsea found the nearest trash can and puked. :( It was not very fun for her. But she kept playing in the game anyways. The 7th graders had three games. They won all of them!!! (: What won the game was full-court press. We ran really hard and played very good. One of the girls from the other team said to me that we were really good and that we have a great team. (: Good job girls!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
We would like to congratulate the Pacific Express Parade Corps on its first place win last Thursday. The group performed at a high school competition in the Independent A category. The overall score of 57.8 was the group's highest score for the first performance of the season, and they scored better than several Las Vegas high schools including Rancho and Basic.
Middle school students that are a part of this group are Nick T, Tyler G, and Adam R. They did a phenomenal job competing against students much older than themselves. The group also includes students from Lincoln county High School, Panaca Elementary, and Pioche Elementary.
Pacific Express's next performance will be on March 5 at Coronado High School. The Meadow Valley Middle School Percussion Ensemble will be performing at this competition also.
Agsin, congratulations on a great show!
Middle school students that are a part of this group are Nick T, Tyler G, and Adam R. They did a phenomenal job competing against students much older than themselves. The group also includes students from Lincoln county High School, Panaca Elementary, and Pioche Elementary.
Pacific Express's next performance will be on March 5 at Coronado High School. The Meadow Valley Middle School Percussion Ensemble will be performing at this competition also.
Agsin, congratulations on a great show!
Haiti Fundraiser
Today student council will be counting up the totals of the Haiti Fundraiser. Tomorrow will be the last day to change the results. Tomorrow we will find out the results.
Alexis H.
Alexis H.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
February 11 holidays[:
They have this day because everyone spills milk now and again and poeple wanted to recognize this. They also represents being optomistic and that it's ok to be positive and find the bright side in every situation.
It also represents the saying, "Is the glass half full, or half empty?" An optomistic person would say it is half full. If you look at the glass of whatever is in it..and say that it's half empty then it makes some people mad that the drink is gone. (that is what the internet said)
They have this day because everyone spills milk now and again and poeple wanted to recognize this. They also represents being optomistic and that it's ok to be positive and find the bright side in every situation.
It also represents the saying, "Is the glass half full, or half empty?" An optomistic person would say it is half full. If you look at the glass of whatever is in it..and say that it's half empty then it makes some people mad that the drink is gone. (that is what the internet said)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Vancouver olympics 2010
This year the olympics are in Vancouver BC.They are this weekend and there are going to be the best in a long time.
Febuary is known as American Heart month and Black History month.It is called American Heart month for it first worked in comgress. Black History month is a remerberance of inporant people and events in African American history.
8th grade writing TEST
Colton said he did good on his practice so he feeles he is going to do good,75%or better.
by Kaitlin C.
by Kaitlin C.
The netbook meetting!!
The netbooks meeting is tonight at 6:00. So the parents are coming to learn about are little computers. So if you guys have your Parents come then you guys will get Points for the pride trip. So you guys better have your parents if you guys can get points.
You people need to put stuff on that is nice. We try to get a good grade on our posts and if you people want to dis people than say it to their faces. BE NICE.
by kaitlin
by kaitlin
Hey guys the staff here at the newspaper are noticing some of the things that are being written on the comments on here. You really need to knock your crap off whoever is saying stuff because it is not funny. It really mean and ignorant and some people have things that bother them and we really dont appreciate the things that you are saying. Especially the one about the basket-ball 7th grade girls White Pine game. Honestly I would like to see you guys come out and work as hard as us, and then someone come and tell you what you cant do right. Because its hurtful, it really is. So just stop please....learn how to be nice and grow up.
Dont Write BAD comments
Hey people dude do what your mama tought you guys dont be mean to the people. So you know what that means is dont say rude comments. Thats just rude come on dont be dumb about what you say. You know the newspaper stuff works on this stuff hard to get a good grade. Ya so just plz stop ok we work hard. So stop!!
Dress Up Days
In two weeks we are going to have a dress up day. It will be the 22nd through 25th. It will be related to the holidays in February.
Monday (the 22nd)-Valentines dress up day-Wear read and white
Tuesday (the 23rd)-Groundhog dress up day-Bring stuffed animal
Wednesday (the 24th)-Mardi Gras dress up day-Wear beads or party hats
Thursday (the 25th)-President dress up day-Dress up like a President
If you dress up on these days you will get Spirit Points towards the Pride Trip. This is what the student council decided.
Monday (the 22nd)-Valentines dress up day-Wear read and white
Tuesday (the 23rd)-Groundhog dress up day-Bring stuffed animal
Wednesday (the 24th)-Mardi Gras dress up day-Wear beads or party hats
Thursday (the 25th)-President dress up day-Dress up like a President
If you dress up on these days you will get Spirit Points towards the Pride Trip. This is what the student council decided.
7th and 8th grade girls b-ball
The 8th grade girls lost there game by 2 points their was only 3 8th graders in the game.
Cheer Camp:)
This year the highschool cheerleaders are doing a cheer camp. There is quite a few girls doing it in middle school this year. Madi W, Carli P, Lexi R, Aspen W, Rylie O, Rachel W, Sarah A, Alexis H, Sydney, Taylor, Amanda T, and Caleigh S. We will be performing at the games on thursday. We have been having fun. Stunts, dances, and cheers.
By: Alexis.
By: Alexis.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
8th Grade Writing Test :)
I interviewed Zach And He thinks he will to pretty good on this test. He thinks on the practice test he did good. He thinks that the hardest part of the test will be The idea part. He thinks that tests help in many ways , like he thinks they help with learning. He thinks that the best part of the tests is when its over.
By, Alexis
By, Alexis
Monday, February 8, 2010
Julie B,.
1.Favorite color: Blue
2.Favorite food: Anything Italian
3.Favorite drink: Mountain Dew
4.Favorite candy: Licorice and skittles
5.Favorite animal: Porcupine
6.Your pets: 1 dog and 2 cats
7.Favorite school subject: Lunch
8.Favorite thing to do: Play the piano
9.Favorite outdoor activity: Camping
10.Favorite indoor activity: Watching movies
11.Favorite sport: Dancing
12.Favorite type of weather: Rainy
13.Typical mood: Happy
14.Job (now): Going to school
15.Job desired as an adult: Musician
16.Favorite place to go: I have no idea
17.Best vacation: San Diego
18.Place you want to visit: Paris
19.Crazy thing you want to do: Wants to go bungee jumping20.If you had a million dollars: Buy things
2.Favorite food: Anything Italian
3.Favorite drink: Mountain Dew
4.Favorite candy: Licorice and skittles
5.Favorite animal: Porcupine
6.Your pets: 1 dog and 2 cats
7.Favorite school subject: Lunch
8.Favorite thing to do: Play the piano
9.Favorite outdoor activity: Camping
10.Favorite indoor activity: Watching movies
11.Favorite sport: Dancing
12.Favorite type of weather: Rainy
13.Typical mood: Happy
14.Job (now): Going to school
15.Job desired as an adult: Musician
16.Favorite place to go: I have no idea
17.Best vacation: San Diego
18.Place you want to visit: Paris
19.Crazy thing you want to do: Wants to go bungee jumping20.If you had a million dollars: Buy things
The Superbowl!!!! :]
This weekend was the Superbowl. It was the Saints vs. Colts. (YEAH COLTS!!!) There were alot of people that wanted the Colts to win and alot of people that wanted the Saints to win. At the end of the first quarter the Colts were winning 10-0. But eventually the Saints started catching up and moving ahead in the game. They got alot of interceptions, and they scored two TD's in a row. In the end, what it came down to, the Saints wanted it more. The ending score was 31-17 Saints. Payton Manning was very mad. He said right before the game that him and his team were glad that they had the extra 2 weeks to prepare for the game and that he was really feeling a winning game. Good job Saints...Colts will do better next year! :] (:
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